‹ Prequel: Love Bites

My Immortal



“Kaoru, I’m bored!” I whine pulling at his cat’s paws. I’ve never seen a fatter, grumpier looking animal.
“Don’t tease him or you’ll have you face ripped off.” He scolds, his wet head popping out from the bathroom, followed by the rest of him, wrapped only in a towel. Mmm.
“I’d like to tease someone else now.” I grin practically throwing the cat to the side. With one weezy huff, Mr. Precious makes his way out of the room.
“As much as I’d love that, we need to get going dear.” He re-informs, hunting through his dresser for clothing.
“Fine.” I pout falling back into the bedding when his face hovers above mine.
“How about later?” He smirks, eyes gleaming.
“We’ll see.” I return the same expression, quickly grabbing him by the collar to pull him into a passionate kiss. Let’s see him say no tonight.
“Come on Kix, you’ve tortured me enough today. We’ve got a wedding to be at.”
“Fine, but only because you’re so cute in your tux.” He only grins, expertly leaving the room. Oh yes, tonight will be a fun one.
“Hey! It’s Amber! I wanna sit there!!!” I pout tugging at Kaoru’s arm. Sighing, he hesitantly makes his way over to her and Alex, as well as Kyo and what appears to be his girlfriend/wife and their kids. I’ve never actually met them, but I at least know of Kyo. “Hey!” I whisper wave to Amber whose face immediately lights up as she squirms to make room for the two of us, though making a face at Kaoru, along with Kyo’s chick.
“What do you have against me?!” Kaoru mouths situating himself far from the two of them. They only shake their heads…weirdoes.
“Quiet. It’s starting!” Kyo scolds glaring at us all…I can’t help giggling. He’s too cute bouncing his daughter on his knee, trying desperately to figure out where the off switch is. Eventually, they make their way down the aisle. Remi in her long, flowing, pure white gown and Toshiya in his boring ass tux. All the men look the same, but hey, Die was the only one with bright red hair. They get halfway through their vows when Toshi stops everything, turning to whisper something in Remi’s ear, a guilty look on his otherwise innocent face. What happens next shocks us all…she walks out.
“Toshiya! What the hell did you fuck up now!!!” Danni screams walking up to him. Well, I’ll give her credit. She held it all in until we got home at least. But now I’ve gotta hold the kids…ugh.
“Nothing!” He responds backing away from her now that she has no reason not to beat the shit out of him.
“Bull! Who walks out on their own wedding?!!! And now she’s missing!!!! You retard!!!”
“Well you certainly can dish it out now.” He mutters. Oh, I can see the steam coming out of her ears. We’re in for a long night...so I’m gonna go spend some father daughter time with the twins…sounds like a plan. They go on with their screaming until I finally hear the door slam. The twins watch me with wide eyes, and I couldn’t be happier to have such quiet kids.
“That man has no control over his penis.” Danni mutters walking through the bedroom and into the bathroom. Well then…
“He didn’t touch you did he?”
“No. He screwed Rem like a year ago and never told her, until now that is. I really don’t want to know about his stupid love life.” She growls stomping back out to my side and falling onto the bed.
“Then why ask?”
“I don’t know.” She sighs, smiling slightly as Rian (her favorite, though she’ll always deny that she plays favorites) paws at her cheek. They can always get a smile out of her.
“He’ll figure it out. He’s a big boy. And you don’t need to worry about them; you’ve got enough on your plate.” I grin, leaning over to press my lips to hers.
“Love you hubby.” She whispers pulling me closer into a passionate kiss. Something tells me the kids will be put into bed early tonight.
“I found her!” I grin hanging up my phone. Easy peasy.
“Where?!” Toshi begs clutching my shoulders. Jeez, not even a thank you?
“You’re not going to like it.” I sigh shoving him onto the couch, careful to avoid a napping Die and Alex. The two love their nappies.
“Where is she? I just…I need to make sure she’s safe.” He mutters. I’ve never seen him so upset. He looks like he’s aged 10 years.
“She is. I know he’d take care of her…” I don’t know how true that statement is, but if he’ll believe it…
“Please Amber? I love her with all my heart…I can’t lose her again. It’s taken me this long and I’m not turning back now.” He looks to me, seriousness in his expression unlike any I’ve seen.