You're So Much More Than That

Chapter 18

I woke up to find no Draco in sight, anywhere. Where had he gone? I got up and started getting dressed, hoping he’d be found waiting for me in the great hall. I did my make up and hair the way I always do it, and got dressed in my robes. I did one last check in the mirror and then started heading towards the Great Hall.

Was there a reason why Draco left so early without leaving me a note or waking me up? I pushed those thoughts out of my head. Draco wouldn’t just leave me like that. Well I hoped.

I made my way to the Great Hall when something caught my eye. It was Izy and Ron snogging in the corner of the hallway. Should I break it up before I teacher did or just let them have there moment. I chose the second one and walked through the great hall door.

I walked over to where I normally sat and saw Draco. I walked right up to him and hit him upside the head.

“Where did you go this morning” I hissed but only for him to hear.

“I had to do something, and you hit hard for a girl” he said while rubbing his head. I took my seat next to him and looked at him waiting for him to tell me where he went.

“Draco” I hissed again.

“What?” he looked at me seeing if I was going to hit him again.

“I’m not going to hit you again” I insured him.

“Alright” he said and went back to eating his cereal.

“Where did you go this morning” I was really not in a good mood this morning.

“I had to do something for you know who” he whispered to me. I nodded then hit him.

“What was that for, you said you weren’t going to hit me” he said rubbing his arm.

“Well that’s beside the point why didn’t you wake me” I asked him.

“Because I didn’t want to wake you up at 3 in the morning” he told me and held my hand. I looked up at him in the eyes. He was being serious.

“Well you could of left a note, I thought I might of did something wrong” I told him and grabbed some toast and put jam on it. Did I ever mention that I love toast?

“Well I thought I would be back before you woke up”

“But you were in here” I told him.

“Well because I only got back 10 minutes ago and I knew you would of already been up. I ‘m sorry Emma I thought you would of known. Will a kiss make it up” he asked with a grin. I nodded and kissed his cold lips. The kiss was full of passion I didn’t want it to end but Dumbledore started to speak.

“This year for year 4 and up. There will be a back to school dance. It will be taking place on Friday and you must bring a date if you’re attending. The reason why there will be an back to school is because I really enjoyed the Yule Ball and I thought it would be a good idea to have more dances.” Everyone clapped. I was also a fan of dances.

“Now carry on” he told everyone. Everyone was going on about the dance. I looked over at Draco he was smiling at me.

“You going to the dance?” Draco asked.

“No” I told him.

“Why not” he asked.

“Because I have my reasons” and that reason is being I’m going to wait till you asked me I told myself.

“And what are your reasons love?” he moved closer to me and kissed my neck. Oh how much I loved that.

“That’s for me to know and for you to find out.” I kissed his lips and walked away to get ready for my classes.
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Tanya Felton