You're So Much More Than That

Chapter 22

“Thank god!” I said holding the test result. We just came back from Hogsmade and rushed to my dorm to find out that she wasn’t pregnant.

“You used protected too right?” Izy asked.

“Yeah. Draco had like a million in his drawer,” I told her.

“K good” she smiled. “I’m hungry” she whined.

“Same lets go get something to eat,” I said. We headed to the great hall.

“So, I haven’t seen Draco all day?” Izy said.

“Yeah same” I actually haven’t seen him since this morning.

“I wonder what he’s been up to?” she said.

“I don’t know, maybe something to do with the Dark Lord” I whispered the last part.

“Maybe” now she had a look of concern on her face.

We got to the Great Hall and everyone was talking about the party that happened the night before. I thought it would have been all talked out by now. But I guess not. We walked over to the Slytherin table and didn’t see Draco. But still sat at the spot where he normally does incase he came late.

“Well that’s weird” I said to nobody. Izy lift her head from her plate of lobster.

“That Draco isnt weird?” Izy said as she wiped her mouth with the napkin.

“Yeah, you would probably think he doesn’t eat of how skinny he is, but man that boy can eat a lot” I told her. Think ing of last nights dinner. The sauce was all over his face.

“Are you going to eat that?” Ron asked me when he came and sat beside Izy and kissed her on the lips.

“Uh not anymore” I said and passed him my plate.

“Bloody hell this is some good Lobster. “ Ron said while taking a huge bite. I just looked at him like he was crazy. Don’t get me wrong. I love Lobster but I would take that much of a bite.

“where the ferret?” Ron asked.

“He’s not a ferret, and I have no idea where he is?” I told him while I crossed my arms at my chest.

“hes probably sleeping with some slut” as he said that Izy slapped him on the arm.

“what was that for?” he said while rubbing his arm like he was in pain. Izy didn’t reply.

“Draco isnt some manwhore, arlight? And he wouldn’t do that to me.” I yelled at him. I grabbed Izy by the arm and dragged her out of the Great Hall into the hallway.

“I cant believe him. How can you date a guy like that. Don’t get me wrong hes a good looking guy and he has his smart moments but he doesn’t say that to his girlfriends bestfriend” I said pacing infront of the great hall door.

“uh Emma, can we go somewhere else?” Izy said pulling on my sleeve.

“why?” I asked then looked at what she was looking at. I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was Draco kissing some blonde chick.

“Yeah lets leave” I said and went the other way. I thought he would never do that to me?
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Hello my good readers :) What do you think? I know its short but i couldnt think of anything and this is what i came up with. So i hope you like it. I dont think its that bad.
please comment :)

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Tanya Felton