You're So Much More Than That

Chapter 24

Here I am sitting in my bed once again thinking of a way to talk to Draco. I know I shouldn’t but he did have the right to tell me what happened. But I just didn’t know how to approach him.

Maybe I should dress all sexy so he’ll see what he’s missing? But I didn’t want to show him that I cared too much, even though I really do care too much. I didn’t know what to do. Izy got me a costume for Halloween; I was going to be a vampire, or what she likes to call it the vampire goddess.

But I didn’t want to go unless I was with Draco, but of course me and my stubbornness I could of talked to him yesterday but I ran away. I guess I’m just scared of what’s going to happen. But I promised Izy that I was going to today and if I didn’t she was going to make me go to the dance and make me dance with all the ugly guys.

“knock knock” I looked over at the door, I didn’t feel like getting up so I just yelled for them to come in. It was Draco.

“Hell Draco! What are you doing here?” covering myself since I just woke up and was wearing my bra and underwear, was to lazy to put my pj’s on.

He walked over to my bed and I was looking at him wide eyed. Was I dreaming this? He sat down and just looked at me. I didn’t say anything.

“You wanted to talk to me?” was what came out of his mouth. My mouth hung open. Was that what he was going to say. The way he walked over here kind of looked more than “you wanted to talk to me” I slapped him.

“What was that for?” he said putting his hand to mark I just left.

“You can’t just walk in here and act all sexy then the only thing that come out of your mouth is “you wanted to talk to me” and yes I did want to talk to you” the last part I said nicer. I just had to take it out.

“You thought I looked sexy” he smiled, of course that would be the only thing he would remember.

“No, of course you big dummy.” I hit him again but in the arm. I was in the mood of hitting and he was there so why not?

“Ow, whatever. Look Emma I love you” he said looking into my eyes I couldn’t stand it I had to look away.

“If you loved me you wouldn’t have kissed her” I said I was on the verge of tears. I hate the fact that I can get so hurt so fast.

“Emma I had to, and I’m sorry you had to see it but it was part of the plan of the dark lord. He wanted to see if you actually cared and you did.” He said while putting his hand on my cheek making me look him in the eyes.

“I want you to understand that I didn’t want to hurt you” he told me while he took my hands in his.

“But why would he want me to prove to you and him that I care. I thought he already knew?” I was confused.

“He has to see it to believe it love”

“Oh” was all that came out of my mouth.

“So where does this leave us?” he asked while his icy blue looked into my watery blue eyes.

“Whatever you want it to be” I could hold on much longer, I had to have him back into my life. I love him.
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Hey, sorry i havent posted in like forever. iTs just i couldnt think of anything. But i had to make it up to you guys so here is what i came up with. Tell me what you think. I need you guys to chapter. Because i need to know if your reading.

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Tanya Felton