You're So Much More Than That

Chapter 28

Read authors note please :D

Chapter 28

“wake up Emma!” someone said shaking my body.

“you sleep like a dead person for heavens sake” the same voice repeated said. Then all of a sudden I am dripping wet and cold to the bone.

“WHAT THE BLOODY HELL WAS THAT FOR!?” I yelled at who put the water on me, and it happened to be Ron.

“Are you asking for a death wish? I don’t remember asking you to wake me up like that?”

“its was Rons Fault Emma I swear, I told him not to” Izy said, oh she must have been the one I was hearing when I was sleeping, huh I thought it was a dream, oh well.

“whatever, why did you wake me up I was sleeping really good” I asked. It took me forever to sleep last night.

“We could see that” she laughed, I glared. “Why didn’t you tell us you were getting married?” she asked me.

“Married, who told you? It just happened last night,. Does the whole school know? Bloody hell I’m going to punch him!” I said marching to my bedroom door.

“Emma, stop your dripping wet. Just change first and no the whole school doesn’t know” Izy told me from where she was still standing, which was right beside my bed where the floor was nice and dry, unlike my bed.

“Fine, and Ron since you were so nice to pour the water on me, you wouldn’t mind drying my bed?”

“How the bloody hell am I to do that, it’s a bed” he whined.

“Well you should of thought of that before you decided to pour it on me, have fun” I told him and walked into my bathroom to change out of these cold wet clothes and into nice dry clothes, blue sweats, white thank top, white panties and orange bra.

“Draco didn’t tell us” Izy said once I stepped out of the bathroom. I gave a her a look that told her that I knew she was lying.

“Fine, but he was all smiley at breakfast.” she told me.

“so, you couldn’t let him smile?” I asked. I was so unhappy about this.

“well Malfoy smiling, isn’t something you see everyday, or never. So we had to know” Izy told me.

“So you just went up to him and asked “Why you smiling?” and he told straight away?”

“Well know, he was like “whats it to you” and I was like “Your dating my best friend I have a right to know” and he told me” he explained to me.

“I wanted to tell you myself. He has such a big mouth.” I walked over to Izy and hugged her. I grabbed her and and plugged her to the door.

“I’m starving!” as I said that my tummy made a hungry noise.

“Me too” Ron said from be hide Izy.

"awe, to bad. you're not leaving till you dry my bed." i said walked to the door and waved goodbye to Ron. And so did Izy.

Now lets get me some food and find that bf of mine." i said.

"dont you mean finacee" Izy laughed. As did i.

"I'm going to have to get use to that" I wonder what everyone else would think abour this marriage thing. i thought.
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OMG, i havent updated in forever. I'm sorry guys. i decided to keep going with this one and not ending it yet. I already have half of the wedding chapter :D so thats a a big thumbs up :)

To be honest with you i had no idea what i was going to write here and came up with this. hope you like and i hope its not to short. :(

update and subcribe :D

Tanya Felton