You're So Much More Than That

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

After two hours of packing and yelling at Draco because he wanted my entire wardrobe to be black. Like bloody hell, who owns that many black, I sure don’t? We were finally finished.

“So when do we leave?” I asked Draco.

“The Train leaves at lunch so in two hours.” Draco told me while he put his head on my stomach and was looking through one of my seventeen magazines.

“What is with you and all this muggle stuff anyways?” Asked Draco while he looked at me from my stomach and threw the magazine on the floor.

“You don’t like the magazines?” I asked him as I gave him an odd look.

“No I don’t, but that’s not the point. You have an ‘ipod’,which muggles use. You write with pencils that’s not normal,” Draco explained to me. It was kind of funny to see him get all worked up about muggles.

“Its just stuff Draco. If you hate muggles so much why are you even living here?” I asked him as I took his head off my stomach. He just glared at me.

“Because mum got a really good job. Dad thinks it would be best to live here so we don’t blow our cover” he explained to me.

“You’re cover? For what?” I asked with interest in my voice.

“Uhh nothing. I didn’t say anything. Lets go eat; you must be hungry or something? He said changing the subject. Whatever he's hiding I’m going to find out. Nothing goes past Emma Rupen without her knowing it!

“Yes I am hungry, lets go eat” I got up and grabbed his hand and went to go find food.

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At the Train station

“Well this is my stop” my mum told me.

“Alright, I’ll see you at Christmas, and ill write to you” I told my mum.

“Of course dear I wouldn’t ask for anything better well I could but I don’t think you would want me to be at your school as a teacher now would you.” My mum gave me a questioning look.

“No not really. I’ll miss you mum” I told her as a gave her a kiss and a huge hug.

“I’ll miss you too sweetheart. Remember Draco is there for you.” She told me.

“K, bye” I wave at her and went to where Draco was waiting, smiling as I walked over to him.

“Awe is Rupen going to cry?” Asked Draco, did he just called me Rupen, and we’ve never called each other by our last names?


“Isn’t that your last name?” he asked like I was dumb.

“It is, but you always call me Emma?” I told him.

“No I always called you Rupen, you need to clean you ears” he told me. I wanted to slap him but there were to many people around.

“Whatever” I said and went inside the train. I looked around for an empty cabin thing but couldn’t find any. They were all full. I looked in each one when I saw a guy with red hair he was handsome, not that I would date him. He was sitting beside a girl with brown shoulder hair. She was very pretty, I kind of felt jealous because I wanted to be pretty. I looked across from them, onto the next seat and saw a guy with dark brown hair and he had a scare on his forehead, he looked familiar but I couldn’t put it on the spot. There is also a girl beside him. She had curly puffy hair but not wild and had a book in hand. The girl with brown shoulder length hair looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and waved.

“Rupen, keep walking you don’t want to be with these mud bloods” Draco said as he pushed me. What has gotten into him? I wonder if its his time of the month?

We finally found an empty cabin thing and sat down beside each other. while his two fat friends sat on the other side.

“Hi I’m Emma Rupen you are?” I asked the two over weight guys they looked a me like I was crazy.

“Shut it Rupen you’re giving me a headache” Malfoy told me.

“I didn’t even say anything Malfoy” I said in a anger tone. That got him taken back. He never heard me use my anger tone. And I’m glad he didn’t do anything about it.

“I’ll talk to you guys when Mr. Ass his gone” I told the unknown boys while I looked out the window and fell asleep. Probably not the best thing to do.
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Hey its up! Sorry took so long. I've been in and out of the house these past couple of days so. I was up late writing this so you better enjoy it, you hear.

Lol i'm so mean but you guys love me.
i think? :S
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Tanya Ladouceur