You're So Much More Than That

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

“God damn it Rupen, wake up” Malfoy yelled loudly.

“What do you want” I said in a sleepy voice.

“The train just stopped, I was just about to ask Crabbe and Goyle to sit on you, if you didn’t wake up in the next five minutes.” He told me. He said that he would tell Crabbe and Goyle to sit on me. I wonder which one is which?

“Which one of you is Crabbe?” I asked nicely facing the boys. The one with red hair sort of lifted his hand in the air.

“Then you must be Goyle, am I correct?” I asked the dark hair boy. He just nodded and his cheeks turned a little pink.

“Rupen here our your robes. When we get to the Castle I’ll bring you to Dumbledore before dinner starts and will find out which house your in” Malfoy told me. I hated it when he called me by my last name. It made me feel old for some odd reason.


“I’ll tell you later. Now get off your ass, everyone is already off the train” he told me while he pulled me off my seat.

“Can you carry me?” I asked him while I did a doggy face, which always worked.

“Fine, but only because I want get off this bloody train” he said and he turned around and I jumped on his back.

“Bloody hell, you’re acting like a 5 year old” he told me as he started walking.

“That’s because I am 5 you moron” I giggled like a little schoolgirl. I love playing around with him.


“Come in” a voice said from be hide a huge wooden door.

“Open it” Malfoy told me.

“But I’m scared” I whispered to him. The door opened by itself and I was even more scared to go in.

“Miss Rupen, there is no need to be scared, you may come in with Malfoy.” The mans voice said from inside the room. I looked over at Draco.

“He knows my name” I said wide eyed. Draco just rolled his eyes and picked me up. He walked into the room and nodded at the white bearded man and put me on an chair that was in front of his desk and then Draco sat on the other chair that was beside the I was sitting on.

“Welcome Miss Rupen to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry” he said and walked over to me and shook my hand and walked over to this tall book shelf and grabbed an hat. I then whispered to Draco.

“Don’t you think it’s a little warm to wear a hat?” Draco just chuckled. I didn’t understand what he was laughing at.

“Now Miss Rupen I will be placing this hat on your head to find out what house you will be in” The head master informed me.

“How can a hat tell me where to go?”

“You’ll soon find out” Dumbledore told me as he place the hat on me, it then started talking.

“A Rupen, Your family was in Slytherin. But you’re a very smart girl. Which would be good for Ravenclaw. But something saying that you would be good in Gryffindor but there is also another side a side were you would be perfect for Slytherin. The thing is which one? SLYTHERIN!” The hat shouted. I looked over at Draco he was smiling.
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I know its not long but i wrote this the other night and it was around three in the morning and i had to put the idea down. but i promise you that the next chapter will be longer (i hope)
i hope you enjoy it! :)
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