Sequel: Apology Accepted

We've Learned to Run from Anything Uncomfortable

Sticking around was never my strong suit.
Giving up was.

I have never tried for anything I wanted.
I have never fought for something that I would have liked to keep.
When the going gets rough, I’m out.

For me, leaving people behind is easy. I’ve never met someone who really stood out to me.

I’ve lived my life in and out of places. I’ve been in countless foster homes and never been in one place long enough to get to know a single person.

When it came time to leave, it was all tears and hugs and sobs and kisses from everyone. I just wanted to get the hell out of there.

I conveniently lost phone numbers and addresses. I stay away from most kids my age. I never hang out with anyone outside of school or stay the night at anyone’s house.

If I’m talked to, I talk back. But, I don’t like the whole ‘best friend’ idea. Tell all your secrets to one person and once they’re mad at you, the whole school knows? No thanks.

It’s always excuse after excuse after excuse trying to get away from being asked on dates or being asked to hang out at the movies.

Usually, I can talk my way out of anything.

'Til I met this kid. He just refuses to leave me alone.

He’s an exchange student from England, and he’s insisted that I be his tour guide.

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