Status: I'm trying my best to fight this disease called Procrastination

Nothing to Fear but Fear herself

Those who sacrifice everything for nothing.
Battle's to faces against everyone, even if it means their own kind.

"And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and all that were slain upon the earth."

Authors Note:

This story has not been or ever will be inspired by the Bible. Yes, there are demons, angels, and that little thing about the Authors Notes that came from Revelations. But I might add that there are also pieces of different religious standards.
This was originally inspired by my dream consisting of my friends and my own RP characters.

This story is copyrighted. I own all of the characters, their personalities, and the plot line. The only things that I do not own are the pictures unless stated otherwise. If you would be so kind as to not be a criminal and steal my story - even little bits of it - that'd be appreciated. And I would like to note that changing a few names, or re-wording a few sentences is still plagiarism.
Because as far as you know, I can sense when someone is breaking the rules and send my people over there to swap your brain out with a can of tuna. And believe me I can do that and will make you suffer.

Thank you.

NekoSquirrel Studios