Why Does Everything Get More Complicated When You're Famous?

Best friends Elle and Kayla have been through a lot together, including murder. As witnesses for a New York crime spree, they have been put in the Witness Protection Program and told to lay low. So when they move to Chicago to go to a prestigious boarding school, they expected everything to calm down. But boredom causes the girls to go looking for excitement. What they found was not necessarily what they went looking for...


Ariel(Ah-re-L) Stuart_, Ari, Elle, or Aura
weight_145 lbs.
hair_ long dark blonde hair with purple and blue highlights
tattoos?_yes, 2... a broken heart on her left hip and a rose on her right shoulder(back).
piercings?_yea, Multiples in the ears and a lip ring(doesn't wear it a lot).
eyes_blue, but the turn green when she's really angry or sad
style_ loves to wear jeans and band tees, but loves to dress up too. she's got that punk rock style mixed with a little emo and screamo sometimes.
personality_ Sarcastic, funny, loves life and food(!).she's slightly overprotective of her friends and family, especially when someone threatens them. She's athletic and muscular(but in a good way) and loves to play softball and basketball and to skate. She's smart but helps her friends when they fall behind in class. Plays a lot of instruments.

Makayla Ray_ Kayla
weight_109 lbs.
hair_short, pixie cut black hair.
tattoos?_Yea, a broken heart on her right hip(long story).
piercings?_ one set in the ears.
eyes_kind of greyish blue but wears colored contacts that make them the color of the ocean.
style_close to Ariel's but more hard core, she's been called gothic, and it fits.
personality_outgoing,caring,doesn't put up with any crap. She loves to pull pranks on her friends and loves to do random stuff like talk to strangers about what they are thinking at the moment.Plays drums and guitar.Best friends with Ariel.