My So Called Life

Msn is fecking amazing haha

I was walking though the streets of the place I call home, wondering if my life could suck anymore than it already does, 1. i am unemployed, 2. I'm depressed and 3. my so called boyfriend hates me.
Well welcome to my world, my names Claire-Louise and I live in south-east London some where, someone like me doesn't feel accepted for the way I look or dress. I'm 21 years old, shoulder length red and black hair with a side fringe covering up one eye, I have tattoos and piercings. So you can understand that I get called “EMO” a lot, which I hate because I'm not.

I walked into the local newsagents to get my weekly kerrang magazine, has I always do!
Paid the lady behind the counter and headed back to my flat I shared with my best friend Maria, she just like me but she has purple and black hair, anyways I got indoors and laid down on the sofa to read my kerrang magazine, I was just going from one page to another when something caught my eye on one of the pages it read “MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE THE BLACK PARADE TOUR COMING BACK TO THE UK” I shot up from the sofa with a force I felt light headed and had to sit back down. My favorite band in the whole world is back in the uk. I must get some tickets! I pulled out my mobile phone and called Maria

“ Hello claire-bear whats so urgent you couldn't wait till I got home” she knew it was me by my caller id.
“Maria OH MY GOD got something to tell you!”
“WOAH calm down have you been eatting to much skittles again!”
“yes i have had a bag of skittles but anyways My Chemical Romance are coming back to the uk, come on we need to buy some tickets!”
“oh my god no wonder you screaming at me down the phone, ok what we do is when I get home we buy the tickets on my credit card. I'll be home in 10 mins, just got on the bus so see u in a mo”
“Ok then see you in a bit! Woo hooo so excited”
I hung up my phone and just jumped up and down like I was high on drugs or something. I thought while I'll waiting for maria to arrive back home, I'll go on Msn messenger so any of my friends were online and rub in there faces I was going to see MCR!!
I signed in and a name appeared that I'd never seen before *Gee*
Thats strange I thought to myself , so I thought I send a message and see who it was

*C L A I R E-B E AR* says: Hello who is this?
*Gee* says: Gerard
*C L A I R E-B E AR*says: Gerard Who?
*Gee*says: Gerard Way
when I saw that I froze, no way could this be the Gerard Way thats just crazy talk!
*C L A I R E-B E AR*says: as in from my chemical romance are u for real?
*Gee*says: yeah thats me, yeh this is for real whats your name?
*C L A I R E-B E AR*says: WOAH my names claire-louise
*Gee*says: you a big fan then? Nice to meet you claire-bear hehe i should of guess ur name from the name u got on ur messenger.
*C L A I R E-B E AR*says: hell yeah big fan when my mate comes back we are buying tickets for ur London gig in november
*Gee*says: wow cool ur british. I love our british fans! We are all looking forward to coming back to the UK.
*C L A I R E-B E AR*says: wicked well me and friend are really excited to see u again!!!
I cant believe I'm talking to the Gerard! I love this guy!
*Gee*says: have u seen us before?
*C L A I R E-B E AR*says: Yeah at Wembley last March best day ever that was thank you for putting on a great show hun! My friend just got home be right back just buying some tickets hehe!
*Gee*says: ur welcome claire-bear! Anyways i gotta go for sound check now. I talked to u tomorrow yeah? Xoxo
*C L A I R E-B E AR*says: Ok Gee we talk tomorrow for sure take care now bye xoxo
*Gee*says: byeeee xoxo
*Gee* appears to be offline!

I sat there thinking that was unexpected, maybe my luck seems to be changing. I walked out into the living, Maria was sat at the sofas near the tv.
“You got the number then?” she said has she was looking thought her bag for her mobile.
“yeah here” I picked up the magazine and gave it to her pointing to the number.
Once she done calling she said
“there you go we off the see MCR in 2 months time”
I couldn't contain myself I had to grab hold of Maria and hug her tight she is the best est friend anyone could ever have!