Sequel: The Chatbox 2

The Chatbox

Tokio hotel have a chat box on a site
They are on tour with mcr and decided to let mcr chat
It’s a great way of talking without having to get up...

Open for suggestions on other bands to add to the story
I can add one more band!

Also comment with suggestions on what they should talk about!

Beware while eating/drinking while reading this story. The following may occur...
Choking, Electrocution, Breaking of the computer, Stickiness of the computer

Also reading may cause...
Addiction, Hours upon hours of laughing, Injuries due to falling out of chair, Brain damage, Heart attacks or maybe even death.

  1. Conversation 1
    "Fine I won’t be silent! Hi Ray my darling! How are you today????"
  2. Conversation 2
    "What the ***! Tom had sex with himself?"
  3. Converation 3
    "Bill! Bill is online! Yay!"
  4. Converation 4
    "Wrote im a gay teddy in Gustav’s head"
  5. Conversation 5
    "My 17 year old twin wet himself!"
  6. Conversation 6
    "-accidentally turns on shower- Opps! NO! I wet my hair!"
  7. Converation 7
    "Where is everyone? Why are you not in any of your hotel rooms?"
  8. Conversation 8
    "Let me guess, both of you are stuck in the closet?"
  9. Conversaton 9
    "Save you from wetting yourself? I dont think so, this is going to be funny."
  10. Conversation 10
    "Ooo that person has sexy flesh…""Wait a min… THAT’S BILL!"
  11. Conversation 11
    "Oh well, Lets laugh at pictures of Bill with pink hair!"
  12. Conversation 12
    "No! Gustav get away from me!" "Ooo that looks like a funny thing to watch."
  13. Conversation 13
  14. Converstation 14
    "Bunny! Your there! Woo! Did I take my pills? What pills? Toaster? Where is the toaster?"
  15. Conversation 15
    "Pills? No dont make me go back there, I dont want to go! Its terrible I tell you, TERRIBLE! You never want to go there!"
  16. Conversation 16
    "Candy on the beach, there’s nothing better. (Oh, gag me with a spoon.)"
  17. Conversation 17
    "Im gonna bottle bills tears and sell them on eBay!"
  18. Conversation 18
  19. Conversation 19
    "Apparently his Dreads need hair spraying."
  20. Conversation 20
    "TOM'S NOT A MAN***!!!!""HE'S A DRAGQUEEN!!!!!"
  21. Conversation 21
  22. Conversation 22
    "Who's Bill? Im Bill, not Bill!"
  23. Conversation 23
    "Did someone say shirtless Gustav? WHERE?"
  24. Conversation 24
    "Oh my God, Are you going emo on me again?"
  25. Conversation 25
    "I dont know but I can tell you why you are not here and that is to not tell everyone that i like Georg. "
  26. Conversation 26
    "Hmmm, Maybe... An eyeless Georg now that would be funnier than Tom dressed as Bill."
  27. Conversation 27
    "Since the very beinning you vegetable."
  28. Conversation 28
    "Wait A second....... you aren’t Gareth Gates! God Damit im in the wrong damn room! WHERE’S GARETH AND WHO THE HELL ARE YOU???"
  29. Conversation 29
    "Hey! Ignore him, He's just annoyed because im older than him, Im Strify from Cinema bizarre and if you click my name you will find out that im not an old woman! "
  30. Conversation 30
    "CAT FIGHT!"
  31. Conversation 31
    "Ok what happened to Gustav? Who replaced him?"
  32. Conversation 32
    "Then why aren’t you in your room and why where their strange noises coming from Gustav's room?"
  33. Conversation 33
    "Ok so that’s one pound of butter, cooking oil and some potatoes."
  34. Conversation 34
    "Wow! It now dings when you change your name!"
  35. Conversation 35
    "Im all hyper now! Ooo, its raining... im going to go dance in the rain!"
  36. Conversation 36
    "The big tough guy that sings in Avenged Sevenfold! The one that can kick your ass!"
  37. Conversation 37
    "Who are you and why are you stalking me? "
  38. Conversation 38
    "Ok I'll rephrase that, she wants to kill herself at the moment"
  39. Conversation 39
    "The Man*** strikes again"
  40. Conversation 40
    "Mahna Mahna do do do do do."
  41. Conversation 41
    "Oi! That’s it im gonna go sulk in a corner and hope Beat finds me."
  42. Conversation 42
    "Im more chubby than him and im proud!"
  43. Conversation 43
    "Georg is as gourmless as the last person on earth. "
  44. Conversation 44
    "No! Im not talking to you because you talked to the enemy. "
  45. Conversation 45
    "How would you like it if I said you and Gustav had broken up? "
  46. Conversation 46
    "Eeepp, where are all these none B’s coming from?"
  47. Conversation 47
    "What is it with everyone and sucking?"