Dare You To Run

Chapter One

Rain fell, soaking the excited gig-goers. It didn't matter to them, what was coming in a few hours was worth it. As his car moved down, parallel to the South Entrance queue, Gerard noticed a group of his fans crowding round one girl in particular. Winding his window down slightly, he heard the group was singing, "Happy birthday to you! Happy biiiiirthday dear Millie! Happy birthday to yoooouu!" He smiled to himself as he was driven past and around to the backstage entrance. As they drove, he noticed two figures, slightly blurred in the rain, following the car. They were clearly fans and appeared to be trying to get away without being noticed. The car slowed down and Gerard heard the conversation between the two figures following him, "Imagine if he agreed, she'd freak."
"It'd be hilarious!"
"Okay what do we say?"
"Just ask him straight."
"You talk."
He climbed out of the car and was greeted by two shy, but grinning faces, "Well hello. What can I do for you?" he asked.
"Um...well." Started the boy.
"Our friend…" The girl carried on.
"It's her birthday."
"Yeah I saw you guys singing happy birthday to her."
"Really? Cool!" The girl said, grinning.
"Well um, basically. Would it be possible for you to get her up on stage to sing with you at some point in the show?" The boy sped through sentence, barely stopping for breath.
Gerard leant back against the car, thinking about the request, "Wow, that's the craziest request I've heard. Can she sing?"
"YES!" The pair announced.
"Will you do it?" Asked the girl, a little too earnestly, earning her a kick from the boy. Gerard smiled, "Yeah, why not. It'll be fun."
"You're the fucking best dude!" The boy exclaimed, jumping up and down.
"Thank you so much! Just one...well maybe a few things. She'll freak out, and try and get off stage. Seriously, I'm not exaggerating."
"Yeah she will. Just like, grab her or something."
"Grab her??" The girl said incredulously.
"Okay okay don’t grab her as such…just. Do something."
"Is she in standing?" Gerard asked, a small smile playing around his lips.
"Shit. No."
"Here's a standing ticket, she can use that. Now I have to go, so I'll see you guys in the pit!"
"Yeah, thanks so much!"
"Not a problem."

"We have the best surprise for you!" The boy and girl yelled whilst running up to Millie.
"Ooh ooh what what??"
"Can't tell you. But you're standing now."
"Nah you won't. Me and Abi will look after you."
"So is that my surprise then? Death?"
"Don't be so bloody morbid! It's your birthday." Abi said, ruffling Millie's hair.
"Gerroff, fool."
"Ahh you'll love us one day."
"In a few hours." Smiled Michael.

Gerard walked into the room where the rest of his band sat, preparing themselves mentally for the show ahead, "'Sup Gee."
"We have a girl coming on stage today."
Bob's head snapped up, "I'm sorry?"
"Yeah, it's her birthday and her friends came over and asked. Couldn't really say no…"
"Wow, this should be interesting." Ray mumbled whilst plucking absent-mindedly at his guitar strings.