Like A Hurricane In The Heart Of Devistation

She puts her makeup on like graffiti on the walls

I stared out the window and sighed in content. I finally escaped all of my back breaking turmoil that I once considered my job. It all had finally payed off. This may not be the greatest place to live, but I would take anything not to live with my family. I can finally say that I own my own home. Thats better than my parents already.

I shuddered as I waltzed through my chilly beaten up apartment to my bedroom. I quickly pawed through my closet to find something decent to wear to start off my day. I quickly retrieved a long sleeved white Hurley shirt and an old pair of torn black skinnies.

I'm starting over in life. I want myself to stand out and be successful. But I mostly need the cash. Its hard to do when you move into the slums. But you know, I actually like it here.

I put on my silver eyeliner, to allow my blue eyes to pop. I was known for either colorful eyeliner or colorful pants. I was told it matches my personality.

Once finished, I shrugged on my black trench coat and pulled on my favorite high top converse. Shivering once again as I retrieved my keys and walked out of my apartment building.

I sighed as I unchained my bike from the rack. I sat on the cold seat and started making my way to my new job.

Sometimes, life really can be stressful.

As I passed local run down stores, I stared lustfully at the grocery store. Within my sick need to save money, I had to cut out on buying some food. But all in all, it does help some lose weight. But I'm no anorexic.

I took in all of my surroundings, observing the beauty of graffiti. I don't know how or why, but I always pictured graffiti as art, a way to express yourself. I find it all beautiful.

I rode faster and faster on the broken up sidewalk to the bookstore. Its my new job, not much money, but it pays the bills. After a few minutes passed, I made it to my destination and I stored my bike securely in the back alley.

I burst through the doors in a frantic rush, hoping I wasn't late but sighed as I saw my boss glaring and walking away from the main counter. I simply rolled my eyes and went into the back room where the employees stored their belongings.

Hes such an asshole.

I sat behind the counter and began my day of day dreaming. People rarely come in here, and when they do, most of them do not buy the books and journals.

After about 30 minutes of pure nothingness, I felt my eyes drooping. But a huge slap across my back made me jump a good four feet in the air.

"What the fuck!?" I screeched out. I snapped my head to the right to see a laughing Eric. My fellow employee and my living hell.

"You know, its not very lady like to cuss." He pointed out and poked my arm. I slapped his hand away with a huff.

"Since when have I ever been lady like Eric?" I rose my eyebrows with suspicion. He nodded and shrugged.

"I dunno' Gloria, you tell me. You only just started working here and I honestly don't know you too well. We should change that! Would you like to chat about this all over dinner?" He grinned while I groaned in frustration.

I mentally gagged. Not this again!

"Eric please don't -" I was cut off by Eric interrupting me by flailing his arms around and wailing.

"Please! Please Gloria! Give me a chance, at least we can be friends?"

"Fucking no Eric. I think being work buddies is the best idea we can have. I can't handle this kind of shit."

He sighed and nodded. "You are one of a kind Gloria."
He simply walked towards the back room without another word.

I sighed in content with the silence around me.

Well that was annoying. I feel like such a bitch. But eh, I really can't think about relationships when I am barely capable of taking care of myself. I think that a friend is what I need. Honestly, from what I have come from, its so much worse than this. I have to concentrate on making my life a million times better than the hell I once lived with.

After a good hour I found myself trudging down the small isles of the book store trying to find something to do.

A book caught my eye and I instantly sprang to read it. It was about some boy who lives his life as a criminal, and how he tries to get over all his troubles from his past. It generally seemed like my kind of book. I've always been way into mystery and books about crimes and such, like the investigations and all.

Two hours later, shift finished and I was on my way to the grocery store. I needed something to eat tonight.

After my quick run, I biked my way up to my apartment complex. I eagerly ran up the stairs to my apartment.

Once I reached my living room, I put on my CD player and squealed once I herd my good ole' Green Day CD playing. Dookie is forever my favorite. I threw my groceries on the counter and tossed my jacket on the back of the couch as I started to sing quietly.

The it started to play. It magically started to get louder. It was my all time favorite song; Good Riddance. I screamed out the lyrics with joy, music is what fuels me.

I fucking love my life.
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whatever is in Italics, is her thoughts just in case you were wondering. oh man, i feel like this is a failure ha ha xD jeez this was long. well my first attempt at a one shot so :P here we are!