Embrace the Danger


If you think about it, everything is a weapon. Anything can harm you. A nail file, a clothes pin, even the shirt on your back. No, no matter how hardy try, there is no escaping death. No getting past it, or fighting it. It’s there, and it will always be there.

So when I you run away from your problems, trying to avoid getting hurt, it won’t help. No matter where you are, or what you’re doing, you will get hurt. It a given. Don’t run, don’t hid, don’t cower in fear. Embrace danger. Embrace adventure. Embrace anything and everything. Let the world speak to you, and your time will come. Your time to be great, to do something. It will come, it always does.

No one can out it off. You don’t want to be great, fine. Don‘t. Don’t see what the world has to offer, and don’t explore other places, other people. Don’t have fun or be wild. Don’t let out that inner child of yours. Death will find you one way or another.