Out For Blood

The Beginning

It was an unusually cold night for Savannah, Ga, considering that the normal temperatures for November usually don't plummet below fifty. For once, Aaros was glad for the cold. While over the past, and first, year of his new life he'd discovered that the blood tasted sweeter when the temperature was warm. This cold, though, made him fit into the nighttime crowd on River Street just that much more flawlessly, when the cold wind would blow the delicious scents of the those around him would assault his nostrils, and he would shudder, clinging closer to his coat. Those around him mistook it for the chilly weather, the truth was that he was thirsty, and he needed to find his prey soon.

The scents enveloping his nostrils were nearly too hard to bear as he wove through the crowds, scanning the area for his first victim of the night. It was becoming difficult to restrain himself, but he kept moving forward. Aaros didn't have a problem with taking a human life, that, after all, was his specialty. Tonight was his first night as a Hunter, one of the many races of vampire, and it was the Hunter's task to hunt and kill only humans that desperately needed to be taken out. Thieves, rapists, serial killers, you name it. The most dangerous type of human, and the most difficult set of rules for a vampire to follow.

Last night when his future was made for him, Aaros hoped to be chosen as a Romantic, the type of vampire that had lured him in. That race had the easiest set of rules, but the hardest job. Romantics could hunt and kill as they please, but they had the power to determine which humans would make good vampires. They also got to be ridiculously flirtatious, something that Aaros himself had no problem with himself. But, they'd chosen for him to become a Hunter, because apparently he was powerful and lethal. The most lethal of the most lethal and relentless killers of the planet, and while that was something to be proud of, tonight finding someone horrible was surprisingly difficult.

And then he felt it, with the breeze this time came a scent that was both sweet and rough; the scent he was programmed to track, lure, and ultimately devour along with the life it belonged to. He quickened his pace, following the scent. His fangs began to burst through this gum, the venom dripping from them only causing more saliva to pour into his mouth; he was close. His pale blue eyes scanned the area, seeking the one he was hunting, a bad seed shouldn't be too hard to spot.

Had he been human still the sight would've made his blood boil, tonight's first victim was obviously scum. The man was clearly drunk, possibly near a black out, and currently about to hit his girlfriend. Aaros swallowed, the venom burning his throat. This needed to happen quickly. He walked with purpose towards the couple, and caught the man's arm before he had the chance to hit the poor woman.

"All right man, leave her alone," Aaros said, his voice dripping in a Finnish accent, "You've clearly had enough to drink, let me call you a cab." He pulled the reluctant man away from the crowds with ease, he was several times stronger than any mortal anyway.
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First chapter..I don't know what I think about it.
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