Gerard: The Explorer

Episode 4: To The VMA's

Dora: So we made it above the Prickly Forrest, what’s next?

Gerard: The Mountains!

Dora: Yay! You have the Brain Capacity of a Five-Year-Old

Gerard: Shut the fuck up.

God: Not so fast.

Dora: God is that you?

God: Duh, now be quiet I am god I talk first!

Dora: Okay God.

God: Ugh. The Devil sent Swiper to me from hell because he talked about My Chemical Romance too much, I don’t want him because he obviously talks about that band too much, so I am giving him back to you.

Dora: So your giving him back to us.

God: Yep. There you go.

Swiper: Hey.

Gerard: OMG you got kicked out of Hell, I didn’t think that was even possible.

Swiper: I guess my Suicide attempt didn’t work.

God: No, you can not die anymore, because I don’t want you and the Devil doesn’t either, he is my alternative, sorry.

Swiper: I am Invincible!

Gerard: Can MCR be Invincible, if Swiper talks about the band too much, can you imagine how much we would talk about ourselves. And I am extremely vain, ask the camera man.

Camera Man: Yep extremely vain look at the pictures he took.

God: Ugh, MCR can’t die anymore. I’m gone to soak my feet.

Gerard: BYE GOD!

God: Bye Gerard.

Dora: Well lets get across this mountain. We need rope to go with our stylish gloves.

Gerard: MINE ARE BROKEN!!!!!!!

Dora: Stop your pathetic whining.

Boots: Ooh look a mountain.

Dora: Backpack can you give us rope.

Backpack: Sure darling.

Dora: Thanks!

Gerard: We go climba the mountain all the live long day.

Dora: Idiot.

(Commercial Break Here)

Meet the Star: Gerard.

Gerard: I hate being with Dora and Boots, they are way to snobby. I like hanging with the Teenager, and Swiper, they are the only ones that get me.

Interview Conductor: If you could get anyone to replace Dora and Boots, who would you chose?

Gerard: Bert and Ernie of Sesame Street!

Teenager: What about Bert from The Used.

Gerard: I don’t like a the Bert.

Interview Conductor: Words of wisdom from Gerard Way “I don’t like a the Bert.”

Gerard: Fuck you.

(FYI: I’m sorry it took so long for me to put out the next chapter. School and such is getting in the way of me updating as often as I would like.

Also I like a the Bert!)