Gerard: The Explorer

Episode 4: To The VMAs

Dora: Okay so we have went through the prickly forrest.

Gerard: Over.


Gerard: When you stop making the mistake I will stop pointing it out.

Dora: Asshole.

Gerard: And you suck ass.

Boots: Fuck off!

Gerard: Yeah gladly.

Boots: Ew, this is a kiddie show you know.

Gerard: They will find out eventually.

Boots: Thats just gross.

Gerard: Oh like you don’t do it.

Boots: No, because I actually have a woman.

Gerard: Whatever Boots, and for your information I do have a woman.

Boots: Well I have never met her.

Gerard: Who gives two fucks about you never meeting her.

Boots: I do!

Dora: I do!

Gerard: Well you two, but who gives a fuck about you two!

Dora: Lets get back to finding out where we have to go next!!!!!

Gerard: We only ever have to go three fucking places. We went the other two where do you think we have to go next.

Dora: I don’t know. Can you help us figure out where we have to go next?

Gerard: Grr. I am surrounded by idiots. We go to the VMA’s next idiot.

Dora: Ruin all the fun why don’t ya.

Gerard: I have something to tell you.

Dora: What?

Agent: Gerard before you utter the “F” word again let me just say Blue’s Clues have picked you up so you no longer have to play on this show.

Geard: Oh fuck that show is even worse. How can you not know where the clue is even if its in front of you!

Agent: I don’t know, but we are sure you can knock some sense into him.

Gerard: Well at least we are at the VMA’s now.

VMA Announcer: You might as well leave you have no awards.

Gerard: Fuck You.

(End of Episode, End Of Story)

Meet the star: Dora

Interview Conductor: How do you feel about the season of the show ending.

Dora: As long as Gerard is out of my hair I’m okay.

Gerard: Fuck you! And stay tuned for the sequel Gerard’s Clues.

Authors Note: You heard Gerard right folks. The sequel is to be Gerard’s Clues. So I need you to tell me in a comment if you want to be PM’d when the sequel is up. If you do just say so and I can surely make that arranged. For all those people who have subscribed and have been lurking in the background it maybe the perfect time to comment so that I can PM you when the sequel is up.
Also I want to ask all you loverful people which host of Blue’s Clues should be in the sequel: Steve Or Joe.