Gerard: The Explorer

Episode 2: The Magical Island of Skittles

Dora: Okay so Forrest---

Gerard: Prickly Forrest.

Dora: Prickly Forest, Mountain---

Gerard: That could very well erupt.

Dora: Let me do my fucking job. Forrest, Mountain, The Magical Island of Skittles.

Boots: Come on Let’s go.

Gerard: Okay, but like I said yesterday. No Fucking Singing Please.

Boots: Okay.

Dora: Can we hum.

Gerard: No dumb ass that’s singing too.

Dora: Well who shove a stick in your ass.

Gerard: You know shut the hell up.

Dora: Okay, we are at the Prickly Forest, how will we get across.

Kids: Ouchie…Um you take the vines..

Gerard: Shut up and take the vines Dora they don’t need to help you, you know how to swing across.

Teenager: Thank god, some one finally told her.

Dora: Teenagers shouldn’t watch the show.

Teenager: Maybe you shouldn’t be so dumb.

Dora: Yeah whatever say it to my face.

Gerard: Just swing across.

Dora: Fine.

Bugs: You know what I have been wanting to say something to you Gerard. Ever since yesterday.

Gerard: What.

Hugs: Fuck you, you mother fucking son of a bitch.

Gerard: Wow..

Bugs: Enter commercial in my ass whore.

(Commercial break here)