Loving Him

What's that about?

Punk's POV

Melina looked up and our eyes locked. John looked over at me and his little smile disappeared.

"Oh hey, Punk." Melina said looking a bit scared. "Um...I'm gonna leave you guys alone." I nodded and she was off down the hall.

Many people know about my temper and didn't like to be around me when I'm mad. So most do what Melina did and run.

"John, what the hell?!"

"Nothing Phillie."

"So, her touching her arm and giggling, is nothing?" I ask pointing in the direction Melina went.

John looked slighty guilty and dropped his head. I felt a bit bad that I was accusing him of flirting with his ex. I sigh and rub his back.

"Look John," I start. "I shouldn't have thought that you were with flirting with Melina."

He slowly raised his head and looked a bit relieved.

"You know I get a bit jealous." I say wrapping my arm around his shoulders.

"It's okay." He said then kissed my cheek and smiled. "Why don't you get the bags and we go to the hotel."

I nod and go back into the locker room.

John's POV

As soon as Phil walked into the locker room, I droppped the act. Yea the sex is great, but I do miss boobs. God he is sooo gulible!

I chuckle to myself, then Phil came back out and quickly put a smile on my face.

"Thanks babe." I said taking my bag.

I started planning how to Maria tonight, and get her to seduce Phil. Yes...then everything will be right. I'll have a girl again and so will Phillip.
♠ ♠ ♠
Pretty long chapter if you ask me.

So John doesn't really love Punk now does he? Is Phil really that blind about what Joh is doing? Well read on if you want any answers.