Tell Me Now If You Can Swim.

Startng new

I awoke to the car stopping short, and me banging my head against the window.
"Sorry" My dad called from the drivers seat. I looked out the window. I didn't have a clue where the hell we were. All i knew is that we were on our way from our sunny house in Florida, to Las Vegas.
We were moving because my dad got transferred for his job. I didn't understand why we had to move. He was never home anyway, always away on business.
I looked to my left, and I saw my sister Brooke. She smiled to me and I smiled back.
Our mom had died when we were young. So Brooke and I were pretty close and it helps that she's only a year older than me.

My name is Jessi Anderson. I'm 17 years old and going into 11th grade. I have one sister and we live with our father. I had to leave a lot of friends behind in Florida, and i hated it.

I ended up falling back asleep about 5 minutes later to one of my favorite songs, Could Tell A Love by Bless The Fall.

When I woke up I was in a room. I had never seen this room before, so i kinda just shot up out of the bed which resulted in my ass on the floor. I groaned and got up. I figured out that this was my new room and we were at the new house. My room was big. Bigger than my last one anyway. Everything was in there. My bed, dresser, desk, computer. I even got my own bathroom which i didn't have back in Florida.

I walked down the stairs after checking out my room. I saw Brooke sitting at the kitchen table staring off into space.
I laughed at her. she looked at me and smiled.
Just then our dad walked in.
"How do you like your rooms?" he asked cheerfully
"Awesome" i replied with a smile.
"Big" Brooke said, we all laughed.
"Well you guys start school tomorrow" He said taking out a cup from the cabinet and walking towards the fridge.
"ughhh" we both groaned in unison.
"Oh come on girls. It wont be that bad" he said with a sympathetic smile
i scoffed "thats what you think"
"Go get your stuff unpacked. we can go shopping for school supplies and what not tonight" he said laughing a little.
"uhh huh" we said together.
Brooke and I were a lot alike. we liked all the same stuff, we had the same attitude, style sense, same eyes. the only thing different about us really is that she's a year older then me, a little bit taller, and she's naturally a brunette. But she dyes her hair blonde like mine to make us look even more related.
We walked up the stairs and when we got to our rooms we figured out they were across from each other which was the same way it was back at our old house.
"Well i guess not everything has changed" she said with a smile
"Guess not" i said. we hugged and when to our rooms.

After we went shopping for school supplies and clothes i was SO tired. I ended up going straight to my room not even bothering to change and just falling sleep in my skinny jeans and tank top. Tomorrow we had school, and i was not looking forward to it.

I was awaken by Brooke shaking me the next morning.
"Wake up Jessi" she said in a whisper
"What time is it?" i asked rubbing my eyes
"5:45" she answered
"In the morning?!"
she nodded
"Good God woman! go away!"
she shook me again "I can't! we have school! now get your ass up and get ready!"
I groaned but got up anyway.

Eventually I was ready, and Brooke was pushing me out the door.
"We're gonna be late!"
"So? It's our first day! we don't have to worry about getting in trouble for being late."
That was the other difference between Brooke and I. She always liked to be on time..for anything, and everything. Me on the other hand. Well i didn't really care if i was late.
We drove off to our new school in silence, which we eventually got tired of so we put a CD on.

When we pulled up to the school we saw a whole bunch of people. Mostly jocks and preps which was terrible since we didn't get along with either. We dressed pretty simple today so we wouldn't have to many problems. We were both wearing black skinny jeans, a band T-shirt, and converse. And our hair was straight, which wasn't really unusual.
We got out of Brooke's car and just looked at each other.
"Here we go" i said.
We started walking and almost immediately the stares came. Everyone was looking at us, no matter what click they were in.
We walked into the office- well what we figured to be the office anyway- and a Woman greeted us.
"Hello. Can I help you?" she asked. she sounded extremely cheery. I wanted to know how the hell she was so happy at this hour.
"We're here to get our schedules" Brooke said sounding almost as cheery. I gave her a 'wtf' look and she just laughed.
We got our schedules and headed our separate ways.
When I got to the classroom i looked around. There were only 2 kids that looked like me and they were both guys. One had choppy black hair and Snakebites, the other had long blonde hair that was sticking out in every direction. they were conversating between themselves.
"Can I help you?" i heard a lady's voice, i wasn't expecting it to come from behind me so i jumped.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you" she said laughing. I just smiled
"You must be my new student Jessica." she said with a smile plastered on her face. I was really starting to wonder how everyone in this place was so damn happy in the mornings.
"uh, it's Jessi actually" I replied
she stood up and walked over and put a hand on my shoulder
"Well then, Welcome Jessi" she said with an even bigger smile. I just stood there looking at her. "Class this is our new student Jessi." I looked down at my converse and started playing with the hem of my shirt.
"You can have a seat behind Max dear" she said pointing to the kid with choppy black hair and snakebites.
I just walked to my seat and put my head down. I saw Max turn around out of the corner of my eye, and I could feel his stare on me.
"Can I help you?" I said looking up at him. He had the most beautiful pair of green eyes I had ever seen.
"I'm Max. This is Bryan" he said pointing to the blonde kid.
"Hey" he said waving
"Jessi" I said before looking back down.
"Do you mind if we see your schedule?" Max asked
"uh not really" I said handing it to them. they starting talking about stuff and looking at the paper and laughing.
"Alright well this is gonna work out fine. You have 1st with both of us, obviously, 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th with me, and 3rd, 5th, and 7th with Bryan." he said smiling
I smiled back, both of them had a really cute smiles, and it seemed contagious.
"Oh and you have our lunch period" Bryan piped up.
"cool" I said
"The only bad part about that is that we have lunch with the 12th graders." he then finished
"thats no problem" I said smiling
We all continued talking and getting to know each other a little better. The 3 of us had a lot in common.
About half way through the period the teacher finally decided to start teaching.
My first 4 classes went by pretty fast. I stuck with Bryan and Max through the whole morning. And by lunch, I was tired as hell.
They led me to a table where 4 other people already were. When we got there Max introduced me to everyone. I saw my sister there but decided not to say anything.
"Jessi this is Ronnie" he was tall and skinny. he had long shaggy black hair.
"Hey" he said and smiled
"this is Omar" max continued pointing to the next guy. he was big. he was tall and was a little bit heavier set than the rest of them. he had long black hair with blonde patches in random places. he just smiled at me.
"And this is Robert" he finished. Robert seemed cool. he was the tallest of the bunch. he had long curly hair, had his nose pierced, and he wore aviator sunglasses.
"Hey" I said to everyone. I sat down in the middle of Bryan and Max.
Ronnie started talking then"Oh by the way, this is my new girlfriend. Her name is Brooke" He smiled really big when he said her name.
"Good lord Brooke! we've only been here for like what? 4 and a half hours and you already have a boyfriend?!" everyone just looked from Me to Brooke who was laughing.
"haha i know right, amazing" she said smiling.
"I'm guessing you two know each other?"Max said kinda confused.
"That's my sister"i said smiling.
"Ohhhhhhhhh" everyone said in unison.
Maybe this wont be so bad after all I thought to myself.

After lunch we all went outside and exchanged numbers.
The rest of the school day went pretty well. When I walked to Brooke's car though I unfortunately walked up to her and Ronnie making out.
"Good god guys get a room!" I said laughing. they broke apart blushing and said goodbye.
Brooke and I got in the car and sped off to your new home.
I was actually starting to like the thought of living here...
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry if this sucks. i know it's kinda boring but i haven't really written in a while. i had stopped because of school.
well i hope you enjoyed! and that you keep reading :)
