Tell Me Now If You Can Swim.

Boom Boom Pow

Brooke and I were sitting in the food court at the mall waiting for the guys to come back. After a few minutes of silence they were running towards us like 5 year olds. It looked pretty funny actually. Max came over and pulled me out of my chair and wrapped his arms around my waist holding me from behind with his chin resting on my shoulder while Omar, Bryan, and Robert spun Brooke's chair around to face Ronnie.
He pulled out a ring and slipped it on Brooke's finger. She was so happy. She seemed like she was about to cry. Haha.
We all sat back down and Brooke sat on Ronnie's lap. Max had his arm around me and when I looked at Bryan he looked really sad. I felt bad but I was seriously falling for Max. I wished he could just be happy for us.

"Hey Jessi, Looks like you got some competition." Robert said smirking at me. Both mines and Max's heads snapped up in his direction.
"What you talkin bout poodle?" I asked about ready to smack him.
"There's a girl over there-" He nodded his head to a group of girls. They looked preppy."-that hasn't stopped looking at Max ever since we came back." He finished.
I looked over and surely enough some random chick was staring right at Max.
"Damn it she's pretty." I said leaning back. He could probably leave me for her any day. She was pretty, she had gigantic ass boobs, and she was tall. At least it seemed like she was anyway.
"Jessi I know what your thinking. And that wont happen. Stop worrying. She's just some random girl. Everyone stares at Max. Everyone stares at us all actually. Probably because we're so smokin hott!" Brooke said getting me to laugh. All the guys looked confused.
"What the hell are you talking about woman?" Robert said. He looked the most confused out of all of them.
"Jessi's thinking that Max could leave her for fake blonde and beautiful over here." Brooke said for me.
Max pulled me into his lap and said, "I'll never do that. She's to fake for me anyway. Plus I've already fallen for someone else." He smiled and kissed me. I giggled a little and we all started talking.
About 15 minutes later, Max said, "I'm hungry. Robert get your fat ass up and come get food with me." Max said smiling at Robert. I lightly smacked his chest and said "Don't be mean to poodle!" He just laughed and kissed me. I smiled and so did he.
"Come on fatty." He said getting up. Robert stood up and hung his head. Ronnie said "Oh yes because Robert is just so morbidly obese." We all started laughing and Robert flicked us off.
Max and Robert were standing on line at Wendy's when that random girl went up to them.
"Hey Jessi. That girls over there." Brooke said nodding her head towards Max.
"Wow. Someone come with me to kill her." I said standing up. Brooke got up quickly and linked arms with me. When we got to them I walked right up to her and crossed my arms and said "Can I help you?" She looked at me like I was crazy. She was also a good 6 inches taller than me. I'm only like 5' 2".
"Go away kid. This hott guy and I are having an adult conversation." She said flipping her fake blonde hair.
I scoffed, "One, I'm not a kid. Two this hott guy, is my boyfriend." She looked shocked.
"How old are you? Like thirteen?" She said trying to embarrass me. Sucks fer her. That didn't work.
"No. Seventeen." I said showing her my license. She was at a loss for words, so she just did one of those preppy blonde girl things. Ya know that huff and flip fake blonde hair while I dramatically turn around and walk away with my heals and the rest of my fakeness things.
I felt someone come up and wrap their arms around me.
"You look sexy when you're jealous." Max whispered huskily in my ear.
"Shut up," I chuckled before kissing him. Well actually I should say before making out wit him. I heard the girl gasp from a distance and smiled. The cashier person cleared their throat and Max went back to ordering his food.

All the guys eventually got hungry and got food for them self one at a time. I just stole some of Max's and Brooke did the same with Ronnie.
"Ugh I gotta get home. My moms having a heart attack because I didn't tell her how long I'd be gone for." Omar said getting up and rolling his eyes. "Anyone need a ride?"
The question was more towards Bryan and Robert.
"Yeahh" They both said in unison. I swear all 5 of their brains are connected at times.
"Bye lovebirds!" Robert called.
"Lets go to the couches. This chair is hurting my ass." Ronnie said getting up. We all laughed and started walking.
We found two couches and Max and I laid on one and Ronnie and Brooke laid on the other.
"Looks like all our dreams have come true Max." I laughed and thought of all the perverted ways he could've been taking this as.

"Can you get my phone for me?" I asked Max. My voice was muffled by his shirt. I was to lazy to get up and get it myself.
"Where is it?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows.
"My back pocket."
"Definitely!" He said reaching into my pocket and handing me my phone. After he took my phone out he put his hand back in my pocket and I just looked at him. He smirked and I quickly pecked his lips.
"Brooke how many times has dad called you?" I asked looking at my phone.
"I don't know. I turned my phone off and threw it in the back seat of Ronnie's car after the first time." She said sitting up.
"Good idea. Haha. He's been calling me and texting me non-stop for the past 10 minutes." I said turning my phone off, and putting it back in my pocket. "We need to get new numbers." I added. She nodded her head in agreement.
"Well I think we're going to go. Both you girls had a long day." Ronnie said getting up and bringing Brooke with him. I got off of Max and he got up too.
We said our goodbyes and then walked our separate ways.

Once we got to Max's house his parents still weren't home. They left us a note saying they had to go on a business trip to North Carolina for the next week and a half.
"Well, we have the house to ourselves." Max said wiggling his eyebrows and putting his hands on my hips. He came closer and pressed his lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his tongue brushed my bottom lip and I gladly let him in. We made our way to the couch and I slipped Max's shirt off.
He was going for mine when there was an extremely loud ass knock on the door scaring the shit out of both of us.
Max got up and quickly put his shirt back on, then walked to the door.
He mouthed the words "It's your Dad!"
My jaw dropped to the floor. He banged on the door again and I whispered, "Open it. But if he tells you I'm gone act surprised or something." He nodded his head and I hid around the corner so I could eavesdrop.
"Max have you seen Jessi or Brooke? They ran away and neither one of them are answering their phones." My father said. He sounded worried, but honestly, I could care less. He didn't seem worried when he was yelling at Brooke and I, or slapping me.
"Last time I saw her was when she was telling me she had to leave because of you." Max said sounding a little harsh. He sounded really sad too. Good job Max. I'd have to compliment him on that later.
"Look I'm sorry Max, but you have to help me find them" My dad pleaded.
"Sorry sir. But I can't. I promised Jessi I wouldn't go looking for her. No matter how much I wanted too. She said she'd come back when she was ready. Whenever that may be." After he said that the phone rang. "Sorry again. But I have to go."
"Okay. Thanks for your help son." I heard Max close the door and came around the corner.
"Nice job babe." I said walking over and wrapping my arms around his neck.
"Thank you." He said smiling. "Can you promise me one thing?" He asked, his voice just barely above a whisper.
I nodded my head and he continued.
"Promise me you'll never leave. And if you do you'll take me with you?" I giggled a little.
"Max we've gotten this far. Do you really think I'd leave you now?" He seemed like he was thinking about it then shook his head no.
"Exactly." I said smiling and pecking him on the lips.
"I'm gonna text Brooke and tell her that our dad's on the move." I said pulling out my phone.

Hey, warning, dad was just here at Max's house looking for us. He's probably on his way to Ronnie's now. Be ready for an excuse when he gets there. Call or Text us later and tell us how it goes. Good Luck!
Love you guys<3

I could only imagine how much drama was going to go down at Ronnie's....
♠ ♠ ♠
the random chick looking at max ;)