
Alcohol Issues

A storm was passing through the small area that the group lived in.
For a while, it seemed that the clouds only gathered around their building.

It was two a.m. on a Saturday morning. Nicole sat at the desk with the computer monitor showing a blank page on Microsoft Word.

“You still up Nicole?” asked Resi.

Nicole glanced up for a moment but returned to her work.
“Yeah, Why are you up? I thought I was going to have the house to myself today.”

“I had to go to the grocery story and get milk.”

“At two AM? On a Saturday?”

“Everyone‘s going to be sober in the morning Nicole. Plus, I was thirsty.”

“So,” Nicole stretched in her chair, “Who else is here?”

“Well, I know I‘m here, Talona, and the kids are asleep though.”

“Anyone else?”

“No, Evan and Nathaniel are still out clubbing with the Sin‘s, Rowan is probably at the local graveyard, and Nero is most likely close by.”

“What about Than?”

“Oh, I found him passed out on the lawn a few minutes ago. I brought him in and put him on top of the T.V.”

Suddenly, lightning struck the house causing a black out.

“Shit! My computer’s going to be screwed!” Nicole said as the blue screen of death appeared.

“You think that‘s bad! My kid‘s need to sleep with a nightlight!”

Luckily, Nicole had a number of candles and placed them all over the house.

“Thank God you have all these candles Nicole. Now we can get to the fuse box.”

“Thank God nothing! Your going to replace all my candles.”

Just as they were making their way down the basement, a huge crash was heard from the living room.
Resi and Nicole raced to the scene.
Once they got there, it wasn’t pretty.

Nathaniel had driven his car threw the house and it was now lodged in the wall. Evan’s head was smashed in the front window. Nathaniel, though he was wearing his seatbelt, it wasn’t on properly.

You could tell these guys were drunk.

“What the fuck you guys!” Nicole screamed as Resi tried to put out the fire that was started from candles.

“This doesn‘t look like the parking lot.” Nathaniel managed to state.

“This should be, we just take a left. Another left. Threw someone’s house...” Evan trailed off.

“Hey, where are the Sin‘s? You guys didn‘t leave them did you?”

“I don’t give two shits! Let them find there own way home!” Nathaniel said as he threw his beer bottle at the wall.

“Oh my God! You guys, we cannot let Talona see this! She‘ll..”

Resi didn’t finish as a distressed scream from the top of the stairs cut him off.
Talona stared down at the sight.
The front of the house was in completely shambles from the crash.
Talona slowly made her way down the stairs, hanging onto the railing. With each moment she was trembling.

“Talona. Honey. This isn‘t as bad as you think.”


“Look on the bright side. At least everyone is still wearing their pants.”

“Not anymore!” Nathaniel said waving his pants in the air with his boxers on top of his head.

“Oh, for the love of-” Nicole slapped her forehead as she tried to pull Than from underneath the car where he was trapped.

Suddenly, Talona pulled a rifle out of nowhere and aimed it at the group.

“I want answers. Now!”

Everyone in the room remained silent.
Except for one dumbass.

“Yeah, my blood tastes like ketchup.”

With that, Talona took dead aim at Evan and shot off his hand.

“That‘s it! You guys don‘t even understand how much shit I have to put up with! I‘m trying to raise a family here and my husband hadthe courtesy to let his friends stay here! He said you would help with the rent and shit, but you people can‘t go a day without almost killing someone!”

“Uh, Talona.”

“Shut it!” Talona said as she fired a gunshot threw the roof.
Leaving a hole in the ceiling.

“You know, I‘m the only one who cleans, does the dishes. Hell! I refurnished the entire house so that the conditions were up to livable standards. But it‘s not like I get any thanks!”

Just as the bitching didn’t look like it was going to end anytime soon. Resi remembered the alarm he installed.

He walked over to the wall and pulled out an alarm.
On the inscription stated:
Pull incase of Nagging AKA Bitching.

He lowered the leaver causing a number of sleeping darts to fly through the air hitting everything. And everyone in sight.

One by one each demon fell to the floor unconscious.


A few hours later, Rowan arrived home with Nero tagging close behind nibbling on a finger from a hobo.

“What the hell-” Rowan said as she saw the car sticking out of the house.
As the two entered, they nearly fell over laughing.

On the floor, the entire group was fast asleep.

Resi held Talona as she slept, keeping the rifle out of her reach.
Than kept nibbling on Nicole’s hair as she purred in her sleep.
Nathaniel curled up with an empty bottle of Liquor.
And finally, Evan was either dead or asleep.

Everyone forgot about his gunshot wound that Talona caused.

It didn’t help that all the alcohol stunted his generation either.

Oh well.
♠ ♠ ♠

This took SO LONG! D:
The reason isn't really our fault.
This would have been out sooner but, when we first tried to post this, we had to log back in.
And it was gone :C

So it's just me reposting it.
RedJackalZero promised to post the next ch.
Cross your fingers.