
Talona's Ride through Candy Land pt.1

Evan cackled madly to himself. This was his first chance for revenge in ages from living in this house full of lunatics; and he was not one to pass up this opportunity.
Losing his respect in the household due to Rowan a couple of weeks ago he was now being forced to play servant. Which consisted of doing the laundry by hand, cleaning the floors, and serve lunch to the members of the house. But the unknown truth was that he intentionally placed himself in this situation.

He wanted this to go according to plan.

Now he had the power to tamper with their food and go unnoticed with out the slightest disturbance from the others. Today, Evan would be adding his own special ingredient. In his pocket read a little bottle that stated:

WARNING-Hyper liquid wicked 2X4 inside out upside down concentrated HOLY SHIT juice. This Juice can and will completely trash your mind and ass rape your perception of reality.

Drink responsibly.

This bottle has generously read your mind and know the level of your revenge.

"Wow, that last part is really awesome and convenient!" Evan said before he looking to see what the rest said.

I know right! Its like the customer service you wish you had. :D

He set out the fine silverware and laid out the feast that would make you water just by looking at it

And so doing what the little bottle said, Evan applied it to some body's plate he really didn't give two damns whose it was.
Finally looking pleased with what was accomplished he called everyone to the table.
He watched quietly like a predator for any signs as to whom might have eaten the tampered plate. But much to his disappointment nobody seemed to be showing what was on the bottle, not even the slightest of being messed up.

Well, no more than usual that is to say.

He looked at the bottle again and to great disappointment found small printing that was over looked until now:
Wait an hour or two asshole..... Then you'll have results.


Hours passed and Evan was growing highly impatient. He was in the living room with everyone, who was engaged with random, pointless conversations. Resi was talking to Nicole about the proper use of skeletons. Nathaniel and Lust were arguing about the right way to punish kids.
Another hour passed and Evan was becoming really irritated with waiting. He looked at the bottle which now read:

Oh dear god, here are he symptoms you annoying bastard, 1.Spastic movements.

He looked around, seemingly everyone was they're usually spazzyness.

2. Horrid balance.

Evan looked up and noticed that Talona was swiveling back and forth as though she was gonna fall over.

Oh Christ, its Talona you ass face. Talona ate the tainted food! Sheesh, get a hobby or something.

Evan looked at Talona, before making up his mind to destroy the little bottle. Now that he noticed she did seem a little unlike herself. She was much more loud mouthed, much paler than usual, and she seemed unable to stay in one place for more than 2 seconds.

A smile crepes across Evan's face.
"Perfect. Just simply perfect."
♠ ♠ ♠
Its been what, a year.
So yeah, I was going threw my drafts on here and found a script I though me and RedJackalZero lost.
Sorry for the long wait guys!
Part two will be soon, and then even a part three! Hopefully.