Status: 12/13/09: HIATUS. unless people actually start telling me what they think of this story

She's Got It All

Your favorite hollywood couples are back in the sequel to I Shine So Bright When You're Around, She's Got It All!
After graduating high school, the girls and boys enjoy a fun filled summer together before heading their separate ways in the fall. Eli and Julia become closer friends at the University of California, Los Angeles. Alex follows her heart to the University of Arizona with Gus. Kate pursues a career in journalism that leads her to Penn State University, while Bella follows her dreams to New York City.
Not just their location has changed, however. Heart break is looming over both Alex and Bella as they struggle to find what they really want. Kate is faced with a decision that could damage several relationships in her life if things go badly. As for Eli and Joe, things couldn't be better between the two.
Beginning in 2010, She's Got It All follows Eli and her friends as they mature and grow. Though change is unavoidable, relationships strengthen while others fade, hearts will be broken but others overflow with love, and good things fall apart for better things to fall together.
Change had become a part of my everyday life. The world around me was constantly shifting from one scene to the next. It was like my life was being lived in fast forward. One day I’m at prom with all of my best friends, the next I’m graduating. I arrived at my first day of college and soon enough it’s time for winter break. It was a little scary, all these changes, but I had adjusted. The thing about change is that it’s kind of easy to get used to after so long. When nothing is set in stone and you never know what to expect, you kind of just adapt. But nothing was going to prepare me for the changes that were coming in the next year.
-- Eli Moretti.

  1. Somethings Never Change, But Then Again, Something
    "Wait, you, you're, you think you're what?"
  2. We Are NOT Going to Disney World!
    "I hate it when you get your way, because it happens all the time." "Now see, I love getting my way, because usually it's having my way with you."
  3. Oh. My. God. No Way!
    "Wow." "'Wow' doesn't even begin to describe it."
  4. Fear, What Fear?
    "The only way to conquer your fears is to face them."
  5. Love in This Club
    “You can’t say you don’t like something if you haven’t even tried it.”
  6. You Are Too Cute!
    “You were kind of freaking me out with the whole moon thing, though.”
  7. Uh Oh
    “I like you better when you don’t talk.”