Trust Me

Big boy

I tackled Bill in a hug after he got off the bus.

“Please tell me you haven't been waiting 6 hours to do this?” he asked. I smiled.

“Maybe...” I say. He hugged me back and laughed before I stood up and helped him up.

“You're 6'4”. How can you tackle me to the ground?” he asked.

“I'm awesome like that. Ask Georg, he'll back me up” I say. Georg looks exhausted today which means it's not going to be a lot of fun. Maybe. He just walked right by me without saying anything.

“Great back up system” Tom says.

“Shut it.” I mumble. Before walking with Georg.

“Morning sleeping beauty.” I said to him.

“Guten Morgan” he said.

“You seem exhausted still” I say

“I got up at 3am after tossing and turning all night and then I cat napped for two hours, was woken up by Bill and Tom fighting over something, then I fell into a deep slumber before we hit a really rough bump so I haven't gotten a lot of sleep.” he said.

“That doesn't allow you be a grumpy ass” I say

“Yes it does” he says

“No it doesn't” I say

“Yes it does” he says

“No it doesn't and my word is law” I say

“Since when?” he asked

“Since two seconds ago” I say. He laughed a bit.

“You're a very nutty person Caro.” he said

“Thanks. I don't even try. It's just my genetics I guess” I say. It got really quiet between us then. I started to think about who my mom was and what she did. She was a prostitute, so I was told, and I was born out of a 'mistake' she made. I'm glad I've never met my birth mom. I always feel like I shouldn't have been born and then I start to think about the twins and how I'm maybe just going to be in the way.

“You okay Caro?” Gustav asked.

“I'm fine. Why?” I asked

“Because Bill's been saying your name for the past 5 minutes and you're just totally spaced out. You almost walked into a wall” he said

“Really?” I ask. I'd been on tour with them for a month and few days now. I laid down on the couch as they ran around to get ready for their show. I was left alone with Georg in the dressing room. I could tell him how I feel now or I could shut up for the billionth time. I sat up when Bill walked into the room. After he got his eyeliner on he left the room again though. I laughed as Georg started to struggle with his straightener.

“Let me help you” I say standing up and walking over to him.

“No, I'm a big boy, I can do this myself” he said

“Give me the straightener” I say

“No” he said. I tried to grab it but he moved. We'd done this a few times before he had me pinned against the wall, straightener on the table, and was smirking.

“Why won't you just let me help you?” I ask

“Because it's my hair, I'm a big boy, and I can do this” he says

“Aw, is Georg feeling like a baby?” I ask

“No..” he trailed off. I hit a soft spot...crap. He pulled away and went back to failing to straighten his hair. I sighed.

“May I please help you?” I asked him. He gave me the straightener and sat down.

“I'm sorry about the baby comment” I say

“No, it's the truth. I don't feel as mature as I'm acting lately. I know why but I can't really tell you” he said.

“Why not? I'm your best friend. You can tell me anything” I say

“Except that” he says.

“I won't push it” I say. I finished his hair in time for the show. After he grabbed his bass he went on. I just sat there and listened to them. I closed my eyes and smiled when I heard my favorite song. Bill just wrote this song and they just finished recording it too. Their on the humanoid tour at the moment. The This song describes me in a few ways. I cried when I heard it the first time and Bill understood why. I closed my eyes and fell completely into the music before I realized it was over. Georg was standing there smiling at me.

“You like our music?” he asked

“Yes. I'm naturally sitting there when Bill or Tom writes the lyrics” I say

“Do you have a favorite song?” he asked

“At the moment it's world behind my walls” I say

“At the moment? So you listen to us a lot or...?” he asked. I just smiled as he sat next to me.

“I listen to you guys when you aren't around” I say

“Which part of the music do you like the most?” he asked

“I like all of it.” I say. Tom walked behind me, while towel drying his hair, when he pushed me with his free hand into Georg. Georg already showered before the others. He was the fastest in the shower. I blushed as our lips were just inches apart but he didn't push me away. We just sat there like that for a few moments. I kept thinking 'what do I do now?'.
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Thanks for reading (: