Sequel: Inclined to Recline

Hanging By a Moment

Texas Just Got Colder.

Approximately half an hour after my moment with Joe, I climbed out of the pool and grabbed one of the towels that Denise had laid out for the both of us. I could feel Joe’s eyes on me but I ignored it, slipping my feet into my sandals once again and then walked through the patio doors, wrapping the blue towel tightly around me.

The kitchen was empty, but Paul’s voice carried from the living room, inviting me to stay for dinner. I accepted the offer, and then trudged upstairs to change back into my clothes. As I was combing my hair, Nick stepped into the room. He smiled awkwardly and then sat on the bed.

“Hey,” He said and I nodded in response, “Are you mad at me?”

I ignored him for a minute or two, intent on combing some knots out of my hair; finally I said, “No Nicholas, you just invited me over and then ditched me for your girlfriend, leaving me all alone with Joe,” Joe...the kiss...I can’t say I didn’t enjoy it. But right now, that wasn’t the point, “Yeah, you could say I’m pretty pissed at you.”

He blushed slightly, I noticed, and placed his pillow over his head as I launched the comb I was holding in his direction, “I’m sorry! But Joe soaked Poppy-”

“He splashed her a little! You got more of it than she did, and were you soaking?!” I demanded, when he didn’t reply I blundered on, “No, you didn’t, so either she was afraid she was going to melt from the drops, or she was lying to get you away from me.”

“Why would she do that?!” Nick gasped, standing up now so that we were eye to eye. (Or as good as, but he was way taller than me so...)

“Because she hates me, maybe?” I rolled my eyes, “Don’t try and tell me your too naive not too notice it Nick, because I know you’re not. She hates me, and I’m not too keen on her either, but what does bother me is the fact that she’s trying to push you away from me and it’s fucking working because she’s got you wrapped around her little finger!”

Before I knew what was happening, Nick had grabbed the pillow off of the bed and threw it at me. It hit me square in the face and I spluttered as he shouted, “She’s not like that! Why would she do that?! Do you want to know what I think? I think you’re jealous, not of Poppy, but of me; because I can get a girlfriend and you’re still all alone, the way you have been since kindergarten when Nathan Robert-Scott dumped you, and you’ve been sitting around ever since just waiting for him to take you back. It’s pathetic; get the fuck over him, already, and move on!”

I stepped back involuntarily; that stung, that really stung. I stared at him for a moment, but his face showed no signs of softening, “What is up with you lately?” I asked finally.

“I could ask you the same question.” He hissed, and our eyes locked.

I was the one to break the stare, “I am over him, for your information. Not that it has anything to do with you, bestt friend." I spat the word and then turned on my heel; I opened the door and then turned back, adding a “fuck off” before walking out of the room, and slamming the door behind me.

My eyesight was blurred as tears broke to the surface and I fought to fight them back. I walked straight into something that let out a “woah” so I guess it was a someone. The someone asked me what was wrong, and I mumbled something that really didn’t make sense, and then I was being led somewhere. When I felt myself sink into a mattress I wiped my eyes and glanced around, my eyes landing on Joe. He had changed from his trunks into a pair of tight, dark blue jeans and a black tee. He hadn’t done anything with his hair; it was wet and messy, pushed back out of his eyes without much care to it.

Although I could see better now, tears were still rolling down my cheeks and Joe wiped them away with his thumb. I sniffed as he smiled slightly, “Are my kisses really that bad?” He joked and I forced a laugh.

“I think that has been the only good thing about this entire night, actually.” I replied truthfully and he grinned; I couldn’t help but crack a smile back.

“So what has happened? I heard raised voices from the bathroom but I couldn’t make out what was being said,” he pouted slightly and I raised my eyebrows, “Not that I was trying to listen or anything.” He added hastily and I giggled.

I returned to seriousness as I explained, “Me and Nick had an argument; he knew I was pissed at him for ditching me today, and then I said I didn’t like his girlfriend, and I called her a liar and more or less the wicked witch of the west,” I stated, remembering the melting comment, Joe’s eyes twinkled but he didn’t smile, although I knew he was dying too, “He said I was jealous that he could get a girlfriend whilst I was alone and that was pretty much it.” More tears were now rolling down my cheeks.

“Nick’s a dick,” Joe stated, “I think my parents knew he would be and that’s why they called him Nick. They couldn’t have called him Dick because people would be like not impressed, and so they went with the next best, rhyming thing,” He stated, “But they could have just called him Richard I guess-” He mused and I let out a loud laugh; he looked pleased with himself. “He’ll come round, I know he will. How could he live without you?” He winked.

“How could anyone live without me?” I joked and Joe shrugged.

“Beats me.” He smirked, and then his lips were on mine again. He didn’t just brush against them this time, like I was expecting, but instead he lingered there for a while before pulling away smiling.

“Will I get that every time I come in your room crying?” I asked and he shrugged.

“If it makes you feel better, probably.” He smirked and I grinned back.


Dinner was awkward; since Kevin had left earlier to go see Danielle, there was only six bodies around the table instead of the usual eight (Danielle was usually here whenever I was here.) Paul sat at the head of the table, with Denise beside him on his left and Frankie on his right. I sat beside Frankie, with Joe opposite me and Nick beside Joe. As we enjoyed out spaghetti bolognaise, Joe kept grinning at me over every so many mouthfuls. Nick scowled at me, but I ignored him, my attention entirely belonging to Joe during the meal. Out of the corner of my however, I noticed Nick scowl harder with every smile I shared with his elder brother. Frankie asked occasionally what we were so happy about, and Joe responded that it had been ‘a beautiful day’ to which Denise raised her eyes, the corners of her mouth turning up in the glint of a smile which she quickly hid. Did she suspect something?

Once the meal was over, Joe and I collected up the plates and carried them to the kitchen, “He’s just annoyed that you’re not more upset over what happened,” Joe stated simply after I had voiced my concerns over Nick’s glares, “He’ll get over it and, like I said, realise he misses you.” He nodded and I smirked, leaning up to kiss his cheek. He turned his quickly, however, my lips landed on his. He smirked when I pulled away and I laughed and shook my head.

“Cheeky.” I giggled, but he had already picked up two desserts, which had been prepared by Denise earlier, and was heading out of the kitchen and down the hall towards the dining room. I followed with two more desserts, and as I placed them on the table, he returned with the final two and the cycle of grin-smirk-scowl began again.
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This chapter kinda sucks, I got major writers block but wanted to update and this is the result so...please let me know what you think?
I wanna know how you feel about the characters! :D!