Sequel: Inclined to Recline

Hanging By a Moment

My Heart is Out at Sea.

The next morning my Mom had already left for work by the time I had woken up; I decided this was a good thing because it meant I could be spared the lecture about my drunken escapades until tonight when, hopefully, my headache will have subsides. On the other hand though, it meant I would have to get up and get paracetamol myself; causing my already bouncing head to crash and bang instead.

I located the box of tablets and swallowed them dry, before dragging myself back upstairs to take a shower. Once I’d done that I dressed in a pair of denim shorts, a white tank top and a black waistcoat. Then I tied my hair back into a ponytail, paused so the room would stop spinning from my headache, then left, descended the stairs and stepped out of the house.

I may have been drunk last night, but I remembered everything, or mostly everything. I certainly remembered Joe ruining my chances with Nathan and now I was going to kick his ass.

The route was all too familiar, but I hadn’t taken it in what seemed like forever. As I thought about this, I rounded the corner onto their street and a moment later a car beeped its horn and pulled up beside me. I froze, suddenly scared, and as they wound down their window and I saw a face I recognised, I got even more scared.

“Hey Emma,” Kerry Moore smiled at me from inside her car.

I blinked, Kerry Moore, the girl who had referred to be as nothing but ‘freak’ or other obscenities since middle school, was now talking to me and calling me by my name? “Hey Kerry,” I replied uncertainly.

“You seemed to enjoy yourself last night.” She winked and my eyes widened.

“You were there?” I gasped and she laughed.

“Yes I was, I saw you with Nathan,” She said, her face returning serious. I froze again; she’d dated Nathan all through last year, but then she smiled again, “It’s cool though girl, I’m completely over him.” I sighed with relief, “I think he’s kind of into you though.”

“Really?” My eyes widened and she nodded, “How do you know?”

“Oh girl, I dated the guy for a year, I know how his mind works.” She shrugged, “Your outfit is cute.” She suddenly changed the course of the conversation and I glanced down at myself.

“Urm thanks.”

She smiled at me then shook her head, “But if you really want to get Nathan hooked then you need to change it.” She said serenely and I gulped, “Cute is nice if you’re trying to impress your little curly haired friend, what’s his name?”


“Whatever, but you’re trying to get Nathan and he doesn’t go for cute,” She shrugged, “I’ll give you a call later and I’ll hook you up with something okay?” She put the car into gear and began to drive away.

I called out, “No really it’s-”

“See you around!” She called back and then tore down the street. I stared after her for a moment, shocked, before a car beeped beside me and I realised I had stepped into the road. I jumped and bolted back onto the pavement, carrying on down the street to the Jonas house.

Nick was on the driveway, stood by his car clutching his keys. I ignored him and walked to the door, but I could feel his eyes following me. Neither of us spoke as I knocked on the door and then I heard him sigh and he broke the silence.

“I thought you were done messing around with my brother?” He asked and I rolled my eyes, gritting my teeth.

“I am not messing around with anyone.” I replied, sharply. We fell silent a moment longer before I muttered, “Not that it has anything to do with you anyway.”

His car beeped as he unlocked it, and he opened the door. Before climbing in, however, he turned back to me with raised eyebrows, “What were you doing talking to Kerry Moore?” He asked.

I snapped, “Why are you interested?”

“You hate her.” He stated simply. I ground my teeth together, and then plastered a smile on my face as Denise opened the door. She looked from me to Nick, sensing the tension, and then smiled at me.

“Morning,” I smiled sweetly, “Is Joe home?”

She nodded, “In his room, Sweety. Just go on up.” And then she stepped away from the door and back into the living room. I stepped through the door, slipped my shoes off and then turned back around to face Nick.

“Things change.” I said, before closing the door and turning to run up the stairs.

Joe was in his room, he was playing on his Nintendo and I rolled my eyes as I closed the door and leaned back against it. I glared at him as he turned to look at me, and then he paused his game. “What?” He asked and I continued to glare, “What have I done?”

“Erm, let me think-” I rubbed my chin as I pretended to think hard; “Just cocked up my night with the guy I’ve had a crush on since kindergarten!”

He raised his eyebrows, “You remember that?”

“I remember it all.”

“You were drunk, Emma.” He said simply, rising out of the seat he was on and then walking over to sit on the bed, “Really drunk.” I looked at him in a way as to say ‘so’ and he sighed, “He was going to take advantage of you!”

“So you just thought you would punch him in the face?!” I demanded and he through his hands up in surrender.

He snapped, “I was worried about you, Emma! Party’s just aren’t your scene, and here you were blind drunk and just about to get in some guy’s car.” He shook his head, “Excuse me for caring.”

I sighed, relaxing now, and stepped towards the bed. He shuffled to the side so I could sit down beside him, and when I did I placed a hand on his leg and he looked at me, “Well, thanks, I figured none of you cared anymore.” He opened his mouth to argue but I rushed on, “But I can look after myself okay? Thank you for helping me out last night, but I don’t need you to be my big brother.” I shook my head and kissed his cheek, he laughed and I raised my eyebrows at him.

“I am your big brother Emma, I have been since you were five.” He smirked, ruffling my hair.

I glared at him and swatted his hand away, running my fingers through my hair to return it to its original position whilst I said, “That means you were making out with your little sister for a couple of weeks,” I stuck my tongue out, “Incest.”

He stuck his tongue out back and I giggled, “We had a week or so off. Like a holiday off work.”

“So now it’s work being my big brother?” I gasped and he laughed. “Well if that’s the case-” As I was speaking, he reached out and pulled me tight against his chest. I stopped moaning and smiled as we hugged.

When he broke apart he said, “I know you and Nick aren’t seeing eye to eye anymore, but I’ll always be your big brother Emma, and if you ever need anything, anything at all, you know where to find me.” He said and I nodded, smiling, and then muttered ‘thanks’ before heading for the door. As I pulled it open he called my name again. When I turned around he said, “Just be careful. I know what drunken teenagers are like, I used to be one.” He said and I shrugged.

“You still are.” I laughed, “You’re not twenty for another two weeks, Joseph.” I smirked and then darted from the room.
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't know where this chapter came from; I just kind of wrote what was in my mind at the time. I seem to be taking it in another direction to what I planned, but it is giving me more to write about!
Comment, pretty please?