Model Behavior

Soul Meets Body

Phoenix surveyed her new brown haircolor in every window they passed. She had traded her grungy Chucks and jeans for an airy chiffon sundress and some retro-looking high-heeled boots.
Roxanne laughed. "Oh, Fee. Way to be vain about your new haircolor."
"Rox, I haven't been brunette in almost 6 years! It's a little bit shocking."
The two women had bonded over manicures, and had shortened each other's names. They had gossiped about different celebrities Phoenix new and people at Roxanne's job, and had successfully managed to spend major bucks on Phoenix's "New York" wardrobe. Phoenix actually felt more comfortable with Roxanne than she did with D'Lisa, her own mother.
Roxanne linked arms with Phoenix. "Time to go fill out forms!" she said in an overly cheerful voice.
Phoenix mimicked gagging in response.

Roxanne and Phoenix arrived at St. Joseph's just as classes were changing. As they waded through the sea of hunter green blazers, Phoenix whispered in Roxanne's ear. "I feel so...underdressed!" she said with a quiet giggle.
Phoenix could feel the "who is the new girl?" stares following them to the office. However, no one had recognized her as Phoenix Rutherford, supermodel.
At least, not yet.
(Knock on wood.)

The bell rang, and the crowd of prep school students dissipated. The path cleared, Roxanne managed to remember where the office was and get them to it.
A few students were in the office, getting tardy passes. They all checked out Phoenix - the girls breaking down her outfit and the boys trying to figure out what was underneath it. If only they knew...
The student aid for that period came over to help them. "Hi, I'm Ryan. What can I do for you ladies?"
Roxanne spoke up while Phoenix took stock of their friendly helper. He was tall - probably about 6 feet. His dark hair was just a little long, and you could see that it held just a little bit of curl. He had eyes that made Phoenix think of Twilight - they were such a light brown they were almost golden. But it was his eyelashes that Phoenix was most in awe of. They were longer than her own, and ridiculously thick. It was just wrong that a boy have eyelashes that beautiful.
Phoenix's stare was interrupted by Roxanne handing her forms and a pen. Phoenix shook back the seemingly millions of bracelets she was wearing and starting filling out her vitals. Roxanne went back to speak to the headmaster, and Phoenix was left alone with Ryan.

Ryan Pennington III studied the girl in front of him. She looked vaguely familiar - in that way that he had probably seen her in someone's Facebook album or at some charity function of his parents' set.
She looked up from the form and smiled at him. "I'm Phoenix, by the way. How do you spell license? I can never remember."
"L-I-C-E-N-S-E." Was she really that...dumb? He had begun to consider her as (finally!) something different from the Gossip Girl clones toting Daddy's plastic that populated St. Joseph's. But maybe not.
She laughed. "I know, you're probably thinking 'how ridiculous.' And it is. I speak three languages, but I can't spell license."
"Three?" he asked, a little shocked.
"Yeah. I lived six months in Paris, so I had to learn French just to be able to pay my bills and buy groceries. And we vacationed in Cabo for three or four summers in a row. So I picked up Spanish just a little bit at a time."
"So you're good at French?"
"Oui, tres bon."
Ryan tugged on his tie. Boy, did he feel ridiculous, asking this strange girl for help. But maybe she would actually help him, and not try to lure him into a relationship.
Scary things, relationships.
"Would you consider tutoring me? It's the only class I have trouble in. If it's not too much on top of transferring and catching up."
"Sure." she said with a shrug as she restacked her forms. "But my price will be showing me the ropes and social scene at St. Joe's."
He held out his hand and they shook on it. "Deal."
With a quick glance to make sure no teachers were watching, he slid out his phone. "What's your number?"
She rattled it off as he typed it in. "Text me sometime. But just tell me who you are, and preferably not at 3 in the morning."
He laughed. This...Phoenix was unusual, to say the least. No Gossip Girl clone here!
He glanced at her form. "Phoenix Rutherford..." he mused out loud. "Why does your name sound so familiar?"
She smiled a dangerous grin. "You'll figure it out."
The woman with her came around the corner from the headmaster's office. "Ready, Fee?" she asked. Phoenix, with a wink to Ryan, turned and joined her.
Ryan handed Phoenix's forms to the school secretary.

Phoenix Rutherford......time for a Google search.