The Music to His Lyrics

Chapter Sixteen: Delete!

Victoria POV.

“The Maine?” I shrieked.

“Along with Fall Out Boy, All Time Low, The All American Rejects, and Boys Like Girls. Need I continue?” Emma droned on.

“And Orlando Bloom?” I asked, and eagerly awaited her answer.

“J.C. had his table,” Emma said.

“I so wish I would’ve had his job last night,” I sighed. “Music Madness sounds amazing. And you didn’t even have to pay to get in!”

“They’re actually thinking of hosting a celebrity gala night next month,” Emma mentioned.

“Okay, I’m applying for a job there.” I stated, completely sure of my decision. “So,” I continued, “Are we still on for the Downhill Mystery concert tonight?”

Before Emma could answer, I blurted out, “Please say yes! I mean, come on! We have front row seats and backstage passes!”

“But of course,” Emma replied in a sing-songy voice.

“Emma, what is going on?” I laughed. She was surprisingly giddy today. I wedged my cell phone between my cheek and my shoulder as I laid flat on my stomach on my bed and proceeded to starting up my laptop.

“I’ve got a hot date,” I heard Emma say through the phone. I knew she was smiling. No wonder she’s been so peppy this morning.

“Good for you, girl!” I congratulated her.

Em really needed a break from work, and if a date was the only thing that could get her mind off of which shift she was planning on taking at Rick’s Smoothie this week, then so be it.

“Hang on a second,” I said, thinking to myself for a moment, “This hot date wouldn’t happen to have any cute friends he can introduce me to, would he?”

“Put it this way Vicky,” Em began, as I opened up my internet browser and logged on to QuickMail to check my e-mail messages. “You’d probably faint if you met some of his friends.”

I furrowed my eyebrows, and thought about what she meant by that for a moment.

“Wait a minute,” I said, while I opened up my email inbox, “How hot of a date are we talking here?”

“Oh, it’s no one, really. Just Jared Arrington,” she squealed upon saying his name.

“What?” I exclaimed, totally thrown off guard. If I had been drinking something, I would have spit it out in an instant. My best friend was one of the luckiest girls on the face of the planet.

“I mean, I was hoping he would be interested in me, but I felt as though it was something I was only dreaming about, you know? I didn’t expect this to actually happen. And now, everything’s happened in the blink of an eye and it turns out he’ll be picking me up in a few minutes. I have no idea what to wear. And to think this all happened because Audrey forced me to go interview the band. I‘m about to go on a date with a member of Downhill Mystery, and I don‘t have anything to wear.” Emma chattered.

“You’ll look great in anything you wear, Em.” I laughed.

Speaking of Downhill Mystery, I had an email from the band’s website e-mail address in my inbox. I smiled and clicked on the message, anxious to hear their response to the letter and demo CD I had mailed out to them. I wasn’t expecting to receive a response so quickly. My eyes scanned the page as the e-mail message opened up on my computer screen. I read the brief message signed with Jared’s name and my jaw dropped. I didn't believe Emma was so lucky anymore. She would soon be on her way to sip cappuchinos with a two-faced cookie-cutter popstar.

Emma continued to gush, saying, “Vicky, I really feel good about this one. I mean, even if it doesn’t work out between us in the future, I’m still going to have coffee with a superstar. Jared’s just so handsome, generous, and sweet.”

I clenched my teeth and took a deep breath in as I deleted the e-mail and put my laptop away in its case.

“He’s also selfish, cocky, inconsiderate, and rude,” I muttered under my breath so that Emma could barely make anything of my harsh whisper.

“What was that, Vick? I couldn’t really hear you,” Emma called.

I sighed, and tried to contain my anger. If Emma really knew about the e-mail, she wouldn’t even be giving this guy the time of day. I knew she was better than that.

I could hear a faint beeping noise in the background, and Travis yelling, ‘Be good, kid!’

Emma laughed, “Hey, I’ve got to go. Wish me luck! I’ll fill you in later. Oh, and what was it that you said a minute ago?”

“Nothing,” I lied, “Have a good time.”
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© 2009 imagine27

Please comment and let me know what you think! I'd love to hear from you, and all comments are greatly appreciated :)

The cookie-cutter popstar line is thanks to DorksXareXcool :)

I'm so sorry it's taken me a while to update, but summer reading's been getting in the way. Now, don't get me wrong, I do LOVE to read. The only problem is: I had six books to read over this summer. The first three were for english, and I flew through them because they had decent characters and intruiging story plots. The last three were a bit monotnous: each a 400 page book I had to read for AP Euro. Joy :[
No worries though, I'm almost done so more updates should be on the way.
Stay tuned, and please comment & subscribe :)
Thank you so very much!
~imagine27 <3

Thank you for all of your support! ~imagine27 <3