I Just Won't Admit

Lame Party, Love

I woke up the next Monday morning, my first day of work in Seattle. I decided to take a shower then head off for the short time period I’d have there since I’m new. I shampooed and conditioned my hair—Rinse, wash, repeat—then stepped out of the sauna-like bathroom into the cool air conditioned bedroom. I tighten the grip of the towel around me so it wouldn’t fall off me. I have very large windows in my bedroom with no curtains... yet.

I picked out some basic skinny jeans and well, a black v-neck long sleeved shirt. I let my hair stay in its natural loose curls but put it up in a high ponytail. I munched on a light breakfast, corn pops, and then headed out the door. I walked on the damp sidewalk. My ballet flats squeaked as I took each step. Tiny raindrop fell from the whirling gray sky but I entered the Sunset Cafe before it started to pour.

Michelle stood behind the counter with the brightest smile plastered upon her face. That’s when a tiny smile came to mine.

“Good morning Madeline, are you ready to work?” She asked with a peppy tone.

Michelle reminded me of my own mother. My mum is always full of energy and never seems to get upset. Or if she was, she’s a very good actress. All my friends back in Hollister think she’s the coolest mum ever. I’d always get embarrassed and tell them it isn’t true when I know that it actually is.

I nodded, “Yes, of course. I need money.” I joked a little and set my things on the counter.

“Oh I’ll take your coat and bag from you sweetheart! I’ll put them in the back.” Before I could oppose, Michelle was gone in the back room. I laughed dryly and clasped my nametag onto my shirt. I stood there strumming my fingers on the counter. Only few people were in here all reading the news paper.

The door opened and you could hear the pounding of the pouring rain.

“Shit, why must is always rain hear?” A voice muttered under a mustard yellow hoodie. The hood was removed to ravel a girl maybe a year or two younger than myself. She had long light brown hair that were in curls, none the less she was over all pretty.

The girl made her way up to the counter but then slid to the side behind the counter. She stopped before walking into the back room and stared at me, “Who are you?” She asked.

“I’m Madeline. I’m new here.” I stuck out my hand. She just looked at it but then shook it.

“I’m Storm.” Her voice was friendly and her smile was welcoming. I released and she went into the back room only to return moments later with her nametag.

“So this is your first day I am guess?” Storm asked and leaned against the counter. I nodded. “Thought so, you’re you so stiff just standing here. Be relaxed, Michelle’s a chill boss.” She suddenly laughed. “She still thinks she’s our age which is pretty cool. And she’s my aunt so it all works out.”

I laughed along with her easing into this job. I found myself getting more comfortable as the day dragged on. Storm’s a really amazing person to talk to. For instance, you could say something that makes sense only to you but she will understand and have a story about it. It was pretty freaky how much we had in common. It was like I was back home in Cali with my old friends.

“You know, you’re not so Madz.” Yes, she gave me some random nickname during the course of the day. “When Michelle told me that she hired a new chick I was like, ‘Oh god I hope she isn’t some airhead that needs training to add up a dollar fifty plus a dollar fifty’. But you’re not and I approve of you.”

I smirked a little and laughed, “Thanks. You aren’t so bad yourself Storm. Sorry I don’t have a nickname for you.”

“Meh, don’t worry about it. The only one I have is Stormy and it’s so freaking annoying. Trust me.” She told me as we stacked up the chairs. I decided to stay until closing because I honestly didn’t have anything to do after work.

“Hey, what are you doing Friday night?” Storm asked from across the room.

“Friday night? Uhm, well I’m working then nothing.”

“I’m working too. Since you’re new and all would you like to come to this party my boyfriend’s friend is throwing?”

I thought about it for a moment. It was a good idea.

“Sure, I’d love too.” I agreed with a smile. She jumped up and down causing some chairs to fall off the table.

“Did anything break?!” Michelle yelled from the back.

“No, Aunt Michelle!” Storm giggled. “Alright so I’ll bring a change of clothes and other stuff. Is it okay to get ready at your house? My dad will freak is he finds out I’m going to another party. He disapproves of them.”

“Sounds good to me.”


The week dragged on ever so slowly. I literally thought I was going to die because I was anxious for this party. Storm couldn’t stop jumping up and down and gushing about all the cute boys I should look for since she already had a boyfriend.

The door to the cafe opened and Storm shrieked, “Nick!”

I’m guessing that was her boyfriend she speaks of to me. I smiled at her little excitement as she ran and hugged him, planting a kiss on his lips. Yeah I was laughing awkwardly.

“Nick you have to meet my awesome new friend.” She took his hand and pulled him towards the counter. “Nick this is Madeline aka Madz. Madz this is Nick, my boyfriend.”

Nick had a serious facial feature but it was somehow comforting like you could open up to him. He had brown curly poodle like hair and brown eyes. A girn came upon his face as his mouth opened to say something.

“So you’re the Madz Storm here told me about on the phone the other day.” Nick chuckled.

“Yes I’m the Madz.” I giggled. “Or Madeline or Maddie.”

“Well it’s nice to meet you Maddie.” Nick nodded as his one arm snaked around Storm’s waste. Already I think they are a cute couple and I don’t know much about their relationship. Oh well.

“She’s coming to the party tonight. I’m getting ready at her house.” Storm told Nick. “Maybe you could come pick us up when we’re ready?”

“Of course. I’ll pick both of you up at nine. Is that okay?” Nick turned and pecked Storm’s lips. She giggled and nodded. “Okay, well I gotta go. I’m supposed to pick up some groceries for my mom. I’ll see both of you later...” Nick trailed off as he whispered something into her ear and she whispered back.

“Nice meeting you again, Maddie.” Nick called out before he left.

“You too Nick!”

Storm watched as Nick left and melted against the counter, “Two years and still those butterflies never seem to go away. Ever had that felling, Madz?”

I shook my head, “Can’t say I have.”

“Well maybe one day soon you’ll find Mr. Right. But now let’s hope this day goes by even faster!”

And it did the day zoomed by and now Storm and I were deciding what to wear. Instead of bringing over what Storm wanted to wear tonight, she brought over her whole closet. I think she tried on at least seven different outfits until she picked out one that she loved. I had to takes pictures of each so she could decide though.

I went with something casual. The basic skinny jeans, a graphic t-shirt with the United Kingdom Flag printed on it. I took my hair out of my pony tail and let it be. Storm offered to do my makeup which I was fine with because she did an amazing job.

The rain had stopped and now the night was cool but warm. Storm and I waited for Nick outside of the studio. When he did arrive, he arrived very fashionable... in a Mustang. I climbed into the back with saying a hello to him first. Storm got into the passenger’s seat and we drove off.

When we arrived I could hear the music already. It was an average size house but I could tell that people were going to be outside in the backyard as well. I followed behind Storm and Nick as they said hi to their friends and introduced me as well. I looked out for those guys she told me about but when I met them, they honestly seemed a little too stuck up for my liking. I don’t know, maybe I’m judging too early.

I mingled with this one guy, Andy McKinsy, for a while but something just didn’t seem right. It was this beer was flat, he was annoying or... no wait, he was just annoying. All he would talk about is how he’s an all-star varsity football team. Don’t get me wrong I do like guys that play sports but he would just talk about himself and not make pathetic compliments like, ‘Are you from Tennessee because you’re the only ten I see!’

So I excused myself from his presences and exited through the front door to get some air. When I stepped out the cool breeze hit my face. I walked down the set of front stairs and looked up at the giant moon that hung in the sky.

“Turned out to be a beautiful night, didn’t it?” A unique male voice came from the left of me.

“Yeah, it really did.” I turned to see who this person was.

He was tall but hidden in the shadow of the tree. He took a step closer into the light. He was cute. He had blond hair but his roots were brown, like he had dyed it blond. His eyes were icy blue as they stared back at me. In between in forefinger and thumb was a cigarette that was going to burn out any second. He inhaled it one last time then crushed it with foot.

“What’s your name, love?” He asked.


He took my hand and kissed the top of it. I blushed and turned my face but still managed to say, “And you?”

“Tom.” He quickly answered. “Enjoying yourself in there?”

“Ehhh, not really, no.” I shook my head. “The guy I was talking to was a total ass.”

“McKinsy?” He asked. I nodded. “Yeah, he’s all about himself.”

I was trying to pin point his accent but for some ridiculous reason I couldn’t.

“Seattle sure isn’t like home.” Tom caught me off guard. “Less cars on the street here than in England.”

There we go.
Then he stared at me again, almost like he was studying me.

“What?” I asked with a little laugh at the end.

“California girl.” He simply said with a smirk. I nodded. “Yes, the bronze skin with big curls. A surfer body.” He eyed me carefully. “Not a bad thing, either.”

I found it humours how he described me. I laughed silently to myself.

“Well I—

“Madz! There you are!” Storm came running out the front door. “I’ve been looking for you everywhere. Who are you talking--Felton.” She turned to Tom and crossed her arms.

“Lawless, pleasure seeing you again.” Tom smiled smugly.

She rolled her eyes and turned to me.

“We’re bailing, the party’s lame.” Storm tugged onto my arm to direct me towards Nick’s car. But I wasn’t finished talking to Tom, not even close.

He was just so interesting the way he would talk and say certain thing. I wanted to know him more than just his name.

“I’ll see you around, love?” He called out. I nodded with a smile as Storm pushed me into the car.

Tom Felton.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay, chapter deux!
I kind of like this chapter
I know I could have added some more details but I got lazy near the end as you can tell.
Storm Penny Lawless

- Juilet Rae .x