Forest Twins

The Story

Tuckers little brother, Jeremy, flopped down on the soft couch, now dressed in green PJ's and unmatching purple slippers. His blond hair was a mess and his blue eyes were round and anxious.
Tucker ran his hand through his auburn colored hair. His jeans were rolled up to his knees. His socks and boots sat at the door caked in mud.
Their Grandma had come for a visit and the boys stared anxiously across the room were she had nestled into the brown arm chair near the blazing fire.
She was a small women with a cloud of white on her head and the same blue eyes as the rest of the family. Tucker was the only one with eyes that could not decide between blue or green so had settled in between.
"Come on Gram!" Jeremy wined. Each year their grandma told them a new exiting story. Tuker knew that 15 night be a little to old for him to listen to grandma's story's and he knew they were fake but he couldn't help it. He looked forward to her yearly story.
Their grandma smiled and chuckled.
"Alright! Our tale starts in that old forest behind this small house." Their grandma began.
Tucker sat back and listened closely. This was going to be a good one he thought.
"A long time ago two baby's were born in an old shack. On the night summer changed to fall. one at 11:59pm and another at 12:01am. The poor woman was alone and died giving birth.
Now you might be thinking `how can two baby girls survive in the growing cold alone?' Some say their powers protected them and others say a passing wolf pack feed them and protected them till they could defend themselves. How ever way it was the two girls survived and grew up living in the forest and little shack.
Rumors started to spread and the towns people started to fear the two girls. it was said that two large wolves were spotted numerous times. The towns people belived these wolves were the twins in there tru demon form. they also belived that the girls had power of fire and water.The towns people also noticed that they never grew past there teens.
All this together struck fear into the town and soon the twins were not aloud and chased out of the town whenever they came for supply's They were angry but did not rebel. They stayed away from the town and all was peaceful for a time.
One day hell struck. Mysterious bandits rode into town demanding rule of it. When a towns person rebelled, coming at the leader that was on his tall paint horse, the leader turned his cold gaze on the man attacking, pointing at him the man froze. Or more like was frozen in place unable to move and hardly breath. The bandit leader ,Orecc, rode over pulling out his sword and slicing the man, he cracked like ice and the towns people screamed falling to there knees in terror.
A young girl from the town broke away and raced into the forest finally finding the twins and asking for help. the twins were hesitant at first because the town had treated them so awfully but the girl promised they would be let back into the town if they saved them even claimed as heroes!
The twins finally agreed and once they got into the town they fought off the bandits. I would tell more about it but the towns people were so afraid of the twins amazing power after the fight they don't even like to talk about it and once again drove them away from the town. The twins were extremely angry but left with out much of a fight.
The girl that had promised them power was horrified at the town but by herself could not do anything about it. so the town lived on thanks to the twins but refused to get near them. the young girl brought things to the twins and she was the only other person they trusted. they swore that the town would need there help again sometime and when that time came they would turn there backs."
Tuckers grandma sat back as she does every year when she is done with a story. The family was quiet.
"But that's not a happy ending!" Jeremy burst out crossing his arms. There grandma laughed.
"Dear boy not every story has a happy ending." Grandma said.
"Well they should." Jeremy said jumping up hugging grandma and following Tuckers mother into his bed room for sleep.
"How did u like the story Tucker?" His Grandma asked.
"It was interesting a nice refresher from all the Disney happy ending prince ones." tucker answered with a smile and stood up suddenly feeling tired himself. "Good night Grandma."
"Good night." her eyes watched him walk down the hall to his bedroom for an early sleep.