World War Three


As I laid in bed that night, the quick turn of events filled my mind.

In two weeks time who knew where we'd be? Maybe at home, safe and sound. In a concentration camp? Or our souls could be forever lost.
This won't be the end. I spoke to myself over and over. Trying to convince myself that everything would be okay.

But would it?

I closed my eyes tightly, wishing this all away.

But it didn't work.
I re-opened my eyes, and stood up from my place on my bed. I walked over to my window, and starred out into my backyard.

This could be a battlefield in 14 days.

I shook my head in a dismissive manner, and closed my curtains. Climbing back into bed, I fell into a sleepless night.


Today was June the thirtieth-the first day of training.

After making our way down to city hall, the mayor took his spot at the microphone.

"Hello everyone. I appreciate the support, and time you are all putting into this -to save not only the ones you see around you, but our nation as a whole. As for an update on the attack, a major part of downtown St. John's was bombed yesterday. Approximately forty people were killed, and one hundred injured." Our heads dropped down for a moment of silence for the dead, "But we have two weeks. Tow weeks of training. Two weeks of friendship. Two weeks to become stronger than anything that comes our way." The group of us nodded silently.

Our population was split up into age category: 10-17, 18-30, 31-45, 46-58, 59-67, and 68+

I noticed a few girls from school, and made my way over to them.
"Hey." My voice was saddened.
"Hello," The one girl nodded, close to tears. After she saw I noticed she added, "My little brother was killed in St. John's yesterday. He was visiting our aunt."
I gave her a hug, "I'm so sorry."
He nodded, "It'll be okay. It'll make us stronger."

It was strength like hers I admired so much. The strength to keep fighting even when your down. The people who attempt to see when they're blind, walk when they are confined to a wheelchair. It was this strength I wished to possess.
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I wouldn't really say this story is posted in chapters, but in little parts.
So this is 0.1, comments are appreciated.