World War Three


We grew stronger -not just as individuals, but as a team even. And I had hope that we could fight this...and win.

The minutes turned into hours, and the hours into days, soon it was the day before the attack was predicted to happen.


"And soldiers have just entered Toronto." A local news reporter spoke. "So far, thousands have died in the attacks over the past few weeks. And Canada is slowly getting taken over -but hope is not gone. We still have millions of people left out there, and we bounce back to stop this."

I few wandering tears crossed my eyes and I blinked them back turning the television off.

Everything lately has gone in slow motion. It seems like some horrible person is just trying to prolong our suffering. The reality has kicked in more and more each day, but I think my confidence has grown as well. I've seen how much everyone has developed since training has started, and it's unbelievable really.

The deaths have got closer to home though. Several close friends and family members of people I know, have died. On a personal note, I've lost both my grandmother and two little cousins -all in a bombing just outside of Kingston.

This was it, I sighed. This would probably be the last night of peace in who knows how long.

Wake me up, when all of this ends.
♠ ♠ ♠
Super short, but I had to end it here.
Comments please :)