


You always think this kind of thing could never happen to you. You watch the news and the pain that so many people go through daily. Maybe shed a tear or yell at the TV angry at the injustices. But life goes on. At least that’s what I thought. I’m going to tell you my story, in my own words, not some reporters. I’m going to tell you of the day I got kidnapped.

Walking down the hallways of Rigby Junior High always seemed like a big deal. I was tall, and everyone made sure I didn’t forget. It wouldn’t be so bad except the fact that every time some one reminded me in a sneering joke John McHanson my teenage heart throb was usually in the vicinity. I would take it lying down some of the time. That was only when John’s horrible girlfriend was the one doing it. Amber. Oh how I loathed walking past her to math class! Every afternoon it was the same routine.

“Alison sweet heart, how are you?” Amber crooned as she approached me in the hallway. I looked straight ahead “just breathe” I told myself.

With a fake smile she winked at me and then ran her fingers through John’s hair and complained, “Oh dear! John she doesn’t seem to be friendly!” We were now outside of the math class. I gripped my math book tighter and tried to focus on the sign taped to the door.

“Alison, I’m down here, please make eye contact.”

My eyes involuntarily flickered to her. She had a hold of John’s hand and had oh so slyly guided it to her hip. She flashed another taunting smile. “Leave me alone leave me alone please” I thought as I tried to refocus on the sign.

“John I know why Alison won’t talk to us.”

Amber sighed as she traced her finger tip on his chest. My stomach clenched. I knew where this was going and I couldn’t stop her without looking like a complete fool in front of John. I could feel my face getting clammy. “Oh no pull it together!” I screamed in my head. “The sign what does it say? Come on Alison ignore her!” My knees started to shake, but a musical voice brought me back to reality.

“Amber….” John warned, as her grabbed her hand that was still on his chest. Ambers face was full of shock. John pulled her hand to his face and kissed it. Relief washed over Amber as she stared at him. I stared at John. “Oh his face is so beautiful!” I thought. His dark brown hair rested just above the eyebrows and covered his ears. It had a red glow to it when the suns rays hit it just right. Those brown eyes of his always made my heart skip a beat. Sometimes I believe the jeans he wore where made for him and only him. The way they sculpted his thighs was something only a male model could dream of and his voice…

“Alison have you came back to reality?” Amber’s voice shattered my trance. My eyes were locked with John’s. I quickly looked away and could feel my face on fire. Amber gave a loud laugh and looked at John.

“See what I mean? She’s completely head over heels for you!” Amber gave another laugh “Poor poor giant, never will find love” Amber stepped away from John and put her hand on my side “will you dear?” My breathing accelerated, I could feel my hands shaking as I lost grip on my book. I couldn’t believe this was happening! Amber usually made fun of me in front of John but never did I dream she would throw me under the bus and say out loud that I liked him. She knew I did and always danced around the subject tormenting me. Amber stepped back and put her arm around John’s waist. I could feel my eyes starting to water. Amber and John’s face’s started to get blurry as a tear rolled down my cheek. Amber laughed as John shook his head and looked away.

I fought back the tears for fifty minutes in math class. Mr. McKenzie would ask me a question and I tried hard to steady my voice as I answered. Mr. McKenzie was a nice old man with white hair and soft wrinkles. He had an uncanny talent of knowing when something was wrong and an even better talent at guessing what it was. So I wasn’t the least bit surprised when he asked me to stay after class.

Mr. McKenzie gestured to the classroom door. “Alison would you mind shutting the door?” After I shut the door I turned around, his caring eyes were studying my face.

“Please take a seat.” He said as he pointed to the desk in front of his. “Is there anything you would like to talk about?” He asked as I sat down. I just looked down at the desk. I had been fighting back the tears all hour. I didn’t want anyone to see me cry. I always hated showing my emotions to an audience so I had planned to go straight to the bathroom after class and let the tears fall. But with that plan sacked I just caved and let the tears rush down my cheeks.

“Alison…,” Sighed Mr. McKenzie “why do you let her bother you?” I was always amazed at how he knew exactly what was going on. I just shook my head and continued to look down. “She will never leave you alone until you stand up for yourself.”

I looked up at his face. A smile was slowly spreading accentuating his soft wrinkles.
“B-b-but……john…she….you know.” I pleaded in a lame attempt at explaining my feelings. Mr. McKenzie laughed and shook his head

“Ah to be young and in love…” He exclaimed. “Alison dear you need to see that Amber is mean to you because she is threatened by you!” He laughed again and clapped his hands.

“You’re confused. But why? Why shouldn’t she be threatened by you?” I opened my mouth to answer “she has everything” but Mr. McKenzie shook his head and held his hand up to stop me.

“Alison don’t waste your time on Amber, when John is around just focus and talk to only him.” He smiled and stood up and went to the door. “Now I believe it is 3:15, so go on and go home.” I got up and passed through the open door. “Oh and Alison,” Mr. McKenzie added. I turned my tear covered face to his “John would be lucky to have you.” He smiled and shut the class door.

Walking down the empty hall was a sigh of relief. Oh how I wanted to go home and lie on my bed and cry some more. Mr. McKenzie’s words shocked me. How could Amber be threatened of me? Sure I’m tall and if I had the guts I could squash her, but that wouldn’t be impressive for John. He likes Amber and I don’t know why. And yes I have thought of ignoring her and focusing on John but how could I? I could never hold eye contact with him long enough without blushing and babbling like an idiot. He probably thinks I’m a fool. Tears began to well up again. I softly whispered to my self “What a fool.”

“You okay?” a musical voice asked and pulled me momentarily from my own criticism. I looked up, it was John. Of course it was John. I blushed madly “Great now he talks to me, while I’m all red and puffy” I thought.

“I’m okay.” I said looking into his brown eyes. I was actually surprised at myself. I had formed a complete response without embarrassing myself. John raised an eyebrow.

“You don’t look okay” I just shrugged and tried to hide my face behind my wavy brown hair. What could I say? That his girlfriend was evil that I hated her, and why on earth was he dating her? No, he should know, it’s obvious.

“Look,” he began. “I’m sorry for what happened.” He took a step towards me and held out his hand. I just stared at it. What was he doing? He wanted to shake my hand that’s obvious, but why? Was this some sort of apology he was making for Amber? “HA,”I laughed internally at myself. “When pigs fly”. I didn’t want to take his hand reader. How could I when he just let Amber bash me. But those dam brown eyes. I took his hand and shook it. He smiled.

“Really…Alison that was uncalled for.”
“Making me wait that long for a hand shake. How un-American of you.” He winked. I giggled.
“Sorry.” I mumbled. Seriously was that all I could think of?! The man of my dreams is talking to me and I can’t be witty for once?

Waiting outside the school for my mom I was on cloud nine. The day was like an emotional roller coaster, and all I could think about was John. I looked at my watch and it was 4:00. “Huh.” I thought to myself “mom usually isn’t this late.” I hopped off of the bench in front of the school and decided to walk down the street to Mrs. Valerie’s house. Mrs. Valerie had told my mom after finding me walking home by my self that she would give me a ride if I ever needed one. And that “Children should not walk home alone under any circumstances.” I never had to ask her, since then my mom has always been on time. Mrs. Valerie’s house was not too far from the school so I felt perfectly fine walking there alone.

Half way to her house walking along the side walk I made an “I meant to do that” move, tripped and fell flat on my face, sending my books and papers soaring in front of me. “Dam it.” I whispered as I crawled to my books and scattered papers. As I was gathering my things I heard a car coming up form behind me. Not wanting to be road kill I turned and waved to show where I was. I returned to my stuff and started shoving papers back into there respected books. I heard a car door open and slam. For a split second my stomach clenched. But I just brushed if off, thinking it was a neighbor getting mail. I began putting my last papers in my science book when something grabbed my waist and shoved a rag over my nose and mouth. Kicking and screaming I felt a blow to my ribs. My legs began to get heavy. Every thing slowed way down and then………….blackness.
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Yay! My first chapter!!!
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“Making me wait that long for a hand shake. How un-American of you.” :D