

Ch. 3

Staring at my blurry pant legs I was mentally exhausted. After Bipolar had screamed in my face (a nickname I gave him since I didn’t know his name, nor would I ask.) my mind raced through ways of escaping, which all had ended in complete defeat.

Many scenarios danced in my minds eye. Maybe I could jab my fingers in his eyes? “No. Do you want to live or die in a car crash?”I criticized. I could just open the door and tuck and roll. “He’ll come back.” I thought in despair. Plus I don’t even recognize where I am. A small sigh escaped deep from my chest.

Hours had gone by the sun had disappeared behind the mountains. The ride in the tuck had gotten rough suggesting we were deep within the woods. My stomach roared. I suddenly felt sick. I hadn’t eaten since lunch and was starving.

“Hungry are we?” Bipolar asked. I just nodded. “Open the jockey box, I figured you’d get hungry before we got there.” My eyes stared at him for a fraction of a second, trying to piece together the ‘before we get there’ and his plan. What did he mean by ‘there?’ where are we going? Will there be more people where we’re going?

“Well?” Bipolar growled “Eat!” I jumped out of my thoughts and opened the jockey box. Inside was a granola bar and bottled water. My stomach subsided in appreciation of the dry granola. As I munched on the bar Bipolar broke the silence.

“We’re almost there and there’s something you should know.” I looked over trying to read his face in the dark cab. My stomach clenched. I didn’t want to know, it had to be horrible news, and something told me it wasn’t right.

“Where I am taking you don’t speak unless spoken to. God forbid if the boss gets a hold of ya, especially if you take to being cheeky.” His head moved in the dark and I thought he looked to see my reaction. “Understand Alison?” He urged.

“Y-yeah” I choked out. My heart was beating a million miles an hour. “There are more of them.” I thought. A tear formed in the corner of my eye. I thanked god it was too dark for him to see.

“Just stick near me…” Bipolar began. “I’ll protect ya from the worst of it.” He reached over and patted my leg. I tensed. Honestly it was a reflex. Whether or not he noticed I don’t know.

“W-worst of it?” I whispered. This did not sound good, my odds had seriously deteriorated over that last couple hours. The truck took a noticeable turn and he began to slow down.

“Not now Alison, we’re almost there.” He said with a bit of excitement in his voice. I looked up and the truck followed a deep trail that lead to a ravine (I assumed). The granola bar I was holding fell out of my hands as I took in the sight that lay before me.

A huge dark brown building flickered in and out of view as a blazing bon fire lit the small clearing surrounding the building. Various figures passed back and forward in the light of the fire. The truck came to a stop. My breathing quickened and my face got sweaty. A guy passed the front of the truck with his arm wrapped around a girl firmly but violently dragging her to the building. I Blinked my eyes several times trying to make what just passed in front of the truck disappear. But no I wasn’t dreaming, the man continued to drag the now struggling girl. She by some miracle got out of his grip and bolted for the forest. The man raised his arm as several guys dashed past him after the escapee. I herd a faint scream and the sound of struggling.

“Get out” Some one growled in my ear. I jumped. Bipolar had gotten out and opened the passenger side door. I made movements to get out, but apparently I was not fast enough because he grabbed my upper arm and yanked me out. He slammed the door shut and started to drag me to the building.

“AHHHHH!!!!” the girl that attempted to escape came into view. Two guys had a hold of each of her arms. She was shaking violently as if something possessed her, giving the two capturers quite a work out as they struggled with her.

“Never mind her Alison” Bipolar whispered. “She’s no good.” He yanked my arm and continued to the building. I looked behind me and caught my last glimpse of the girl as they took her to a smaller brown building hidden in the brush. We continued to the building and just before we got to the door Bipolar whispered in my ear.

“Not a word.” I nodded, he chuckled. “That’s my girl.” And in we went. The room we entered was dimly lit by a lantern in the corner. It look liked we were in the foyer of a very old house. The floors creaked with each step we took.

“This her?” I jumped as the figure that asked the question stepped out of the shadows. My eyes laid upon a very skinny man dressed in a dark suit. He had brown hair in a style that screamed business man.

“Of course it is Alan.” Bipolar rolled his eyes. Alan raised an eyebrow and put his hands in his pockets. “Well?” he urged nodding at me.

Alan sighed. “Oh she’ll do, Slick. But the boss should take a look eh?” Slick tensed. “Slick?”I thought.

“What? Alan you just said she’ll do! What the hell do you need the boss’ opinion for?”

Alan adjusted his footing. “Well I assumed you knew the current position your in.”

Slick gave a deep growl “Alan mind your business, the boss and I have a…..understanding."

“Ah yes Slick but as you very well remember I’m here to make sure that your understanding is upheld.” Alan gave a smug smile.

“Shit.” Slick whispered.

“Yes I knew you would remember. Take her to the waiting room, and then get the boss.” Alan folded his arms and planted his feet.

Slick narrowed his eyes and shoved me to a door in the back of the room. The door opened and it displayed a long narrow hallway with several doors. Slick dragged me to the last door on the left and threw me in. The room had an old table and a set of chairs. This room was also dimly lit with a lantern. Slick directed me to one of the chairs and pushed me in it. He bent over to my eye level and stared at me. His eyes had a hint of worry in them. He straightened up turned and left. The door clicked and his footsteps faded down the hallway.

I immediately lunged across the room and grabbed the doorknob. “Shit, locked” I whispered. I turned to gaze at the room. Nothing much to look at, table chairs and cobwebs in the corners to add to the utter creepiness of the situation. I sat back down and put my face on my hands. “What the hell am I gonna do?” I asked myself. My hands were shaking. “Calm down Alison!”I yelled internally. I needed to stay calm if I was to get out of here. Tears of fear began to well up in my eyes. I wiped them away afraid of what would happen if Slick or the boss saw them. My mind began drifting to the girl i saw outside when suddenly footsteps grew louder and louder outside the door.

“In here boss,” I heard Slick say. The doorknob jiggled and the door slowly opened.
♠ ♠ ♠
After too long of not updating my story here it is! I hope not to do that again and make my 2 wonderful subscribers wait. If you like please tell your friends! I'd love more subs and comments! :) Hope you guys liked it. Please let me know!! Comments = Love.

"Many scenarios danced in my minds eye."