
My Baby's Gone

Ch. 4
My Baby's Gone

“Mrs. Kinko there’s a man on line 3 for you.” Donna Kinko looked up from her pile of legal papers.

“Oh thanks Martha.” Donna smiled at the secretary. Martha gave a nervous nod and shut the office door. Poor thing Donna thought, such a nervous girl. Donna picked up the phone and pressed the button for line 3.

“Law Office of Donna Kinko, Donna Speaking” she played with the ink pen on the table. Her eyes darting at the time on the computer screen.

“Sir...” Donna began but was cut off by his ranting. Donna took a deep breath and listened to his supposed marital problems. She began clicking her pen impatiently, her eyes flicking to the computer screen.

“Yes Sir I understand, would you like to…” Donna rolled her eyes as she was rudely interrupted again. The man on the other end was talking fast and showing no signs of going anywhere in his rant, but Donna was a marriage lawyer and this sort of thing happened all the time. She just was real short on time.

“I can represent you but you must make an appointment with my office.” Donna said quickly, afraid she’d get interrupted again. The gentlemen paused for a while. Donna raised her eyebrow in shock. “What? Nothing to say?” she thought sarcastically. He sighed and began pleading with her.

“No, sir I’m sorry but the office is closing we’d have to meet tomorrow.” Donna’s eyes traveled to the computer screen. Her stomach clenched. He began to argue. Donna grew impatient.

“Look Mr.…..Sorry what was your name?” She asked. “Sir?” Donna took the phone from her ear and looked at it, then placing it back to her ear. Dial tone. Very aggravated and annoyed for being late she began shoving all the legal papers in their respected folders. Donna quickly crossed her office to leave. Turning to lock the door she noticed that Martha was still at her desk.

“Martha my dear what are you still doing here?” Donna asked as she jiggled the door knob to make sure it was locked.

“I-well-Mrs. Kinko can I have this weekend off?” Martha finished trying hard to not fidget with her skirt. Donna took a step towards Martha and put a hand on her shoulder.

“Please Martha call me Donna, and yes you can have this weekend off.” Donna smiled as Martha seemed to relax.

“Now I really must be going Martha, I’m late picking up my daughter.” Donna said as she threw her jacket on. Martha smiled and bid Donna goodbye.

Donna rushed out of the office building walking considerably fast for a woman in 3 inch heels. Cursing as she dropped her keys beside her car. Getting in Donna quickly started the car and rushed out of the parking lot. Traffic, as usual, in downtown Missoula Montana was horrible. Donna sighed as the light turned yellow and the traffic in front of her began to slow and come to a halt. Wrapping her hands tightly around the steering wheel Donna glanced at the clock.


“Dam it!” Donna mumbled under her breath. She was a half hour late picking up Alison. Donna loathed the thought of Alison having to walk home and be caught by that witch Mrs. Valerie. She could still see the look on Valerie’s face when she dropped Alison off at her office.

“A Mrs. Valerie is here to see you maim.” Martha announced, opening the door and revealing a fuming, proud hooked nose Valerie and a defeated Alison.

“Oh thank you so much Val.” Donna sighed in relief getting up to shake her hand. Donna had been held up at work that day and gave Alison the ok to walk home. But Valerie had other ideas.

Valerie folded her arms and shot Donna a venomous look, as Alison crossed the room to sit in an arm chair. Donna dropped her hand.

“It’s Mrs. Valerie if you don’t mind.” She spat, continuing to glare.

“Oh no, I don’t mind Mrs. Valerie. And thank you for bringing Alison here.” Donna said with a tight smile. Mrs. Valerie huffed and shifted her weight to her left foot.

“Children should not walk home alone under any circumstances. If you are unable I will give her rides home in the future.” Mrs. Valerie said continuing to look venomous. Donna knew where this was going, but honestly didn’t appreciate this lady’s lack of respect.

“Well” Donna began “Mrs. Valerie, although I appreciate you taking it into your own hands to ensure the safety of my daughter, we don’t live that far from the school.” Donna finished crossing her arms as well.

“Well” Mrs. Valerie mocked “Donna”

“Mrs. Kinko If you don’t mind” Donna said with a playful smile.

Mrs. Valerie ignored Donna’s interruption and continued “you may live close to the school but-”Donna held up her hand to stop Mrs. Valerie.

“Mrs. Valerie I thank you for your limited kindness, but please know your boundaries and don’t tell me how to care for my daughter.”

Mrs. Valerie looked as if Donna had slapped her. Donna walked to the door and opened it gesturing for Mrs. Valerie to leave. Mrs. Valerie unfolded her arms glared at Donna and walked out.

Donna pulled into the school parking lot scanning the front for Alison. “She walked home” Donna told herself, but couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling. She whipped out of the parking lot swallowed her pride and drove towards Mrs. Valerie’s house, slowing a bit at the mess in the road ahead. “Pink back pack?”

Donna furrowed her eyebrows and kept going. Suddenly a realization hit her and she slammed on the breaks. That looked exactly like Alison’s back pack. Donna got out of the car and quickly walked to the pack and scattered papers, hoping not to see Alison’s name on the papers. Bending over and glancing at the nearest paper Donna felt as if the world came to a screaming halt. Her head began to spin and her heart rammed against her chest. It was Alison’s. Donna stood up and stumbled to the car. Hands shaking she fumbled for her phone quickly dialing 9-1-1.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you liked this ch, and the introduction of Alison's mom. Just to warn you it will jump around like that. Alison to parents to Alison. Just to keep you on the edge of your seat. ;)

So basicly this was a filler ch.
OMG! I Love you guys! 3 subs!! Lets keep it up eh?
Anyway Need more readers!! Don't be shy share my story with friends!
Comments=love but more subs= :-D

" Donna felt as if the world came to a screaming halt"