
The Boss

Ch. 5
The Boss

The door slowly opened and creaked like lightning in the heavy silence. I fought the urge to look up and lost. My eyes lay upon another tall man in a suit. Slick and Alan flanked his sides. Alan wore a smug smile and kept glancing at a glaring Slick. I however only focused on the man in the middle who was undoubtedly the boss. He was a well built man with graying hair swept back. The way he held himself demanded respect and attention. The boss was staring back at me, he raised an eyebrow gave a crooked smile.

“Slick shut the door please.” The boss said without giving up eye contact with me. Slick closed the door. My stomach dropped and it must have shown on my face because Slick rolled his eyes heavenward and shut them Alan beamed and the boss walked towards me. I instantly tensed and pushed back in my chair. Once in front of me the boss stopped and looked me up and down.

“Stand up please….” The boss looked back at Slick.

“Alison.” Slick provided.

“Alison.” The boss finished. I stood up trembling from head to foot. He had a deep voice that scared me. He walked around me with his arms behind his back. Every so often my eyes would link with Alan. He just smiled, while Slick had opened his eyes and watched the boss intently.

“Why so scared Alison? Has Slick gave you reason to be?” The boss asked now stopped in front of me. Knowing there were no good guys here I had no idea what to say or who to look to for help. So I lowered my eyes.

“Where did you get that bruise?” The boss asked stroking my face where Slick had hit me. By now I had practiced my reflexes and didn’t back away or slap his hand. He stepped away.

“Good job Slick, she seems broken, won’t give us trouble like Emma did.” “Oh you have no idea.”I thought as the boss slapped Slicks shoulder.

Just as that thought crossed my mind several things happened at once Alan shoved the boss aside, Slick yelled “Alan don’t!” and I was shoved in my chair and pushed against the wall. Alan’s face was inches from mine, a bit of his hair were out of place as he breathed heavy.

“What is it Alan?” The boss asked from across the room. “Slick control yourself.” The boss added. Alan continued to look in my eyes with both hands on the handles of the chair cornering me.

“It doesn’t take someone with my talent to read her face.” Alan growled, still looking at me. My heart was ramming against my chest.

“Oh shut up Alan its dark in here you couldn’t read her face.” Slick said with a hint of annoyance.

“Slick like I said control yourself, I hired Alan for his specific ability.” The boss said as he walked across the room. “Well Alan?” he finished. Alan gave me an evil grin as he got up and turned to the boss.

“Ah boss it seems our Slick here hasn’t ‘broken’ her.” Alan turned his head to Slick. Slick glared at him.

“What makes you say that Alan?” The boss asked as he glanced at me.

“Her face changed as soon as you said she won’t give us any trouble. Seemed to say ‘that’s what you think’.” Alan finished turning to me and winking. My stomach fell. “My face? Dam how do I control that!” I thought. The boss frowned.

“Seemed to say Alan?” The boss asked. “Come now, what was it?” The boss folded his arms. Alan shifted his weight.

“Well it was more like ‘oh you have no idea’” Alan said. Slicks face fell as the boss’ eyebrows rose. What? How could he know what I was thinking? My face felt clammy and my hands started shaking. Alan Moved to stand by Slick as the boss looked at me.

“That’ll be a problem Alison.” The boss said as he knelt in front of me. “Oh you’re confused?” the boss asked as he examined my wide eyes. He chuckled. “Yeah Alan tends to do that to people.” The boss stood up and walked to the door. “You’ll regret that thought if you act on it Alison.” The boss said as his hand grabbed the door knob.

“Leave her here for now Slick.” The boss said as he opened the door. “Alan come with me we have more visits tonight.” The three filed out and shut the door. I heard murmuring as foot steps walked down the hall a pause and then raised voices. I couldn’t make out what was said and then a single set of footsteps came back and the door opened again. Slick walked in. His eyes narrowed at me.

“What have I told you about staring Alison?” He shot as he leaned against the wall.

I lowered my eyes and began fiddling with a string on my jeans, a million questions running through my mind. So Alan has an ability, great. He seems to be the boss’ right hand man, also great. It scared me because Alan’s supposed ability was only something you saw in the movies. Could it be real? Or was he just incredibly talented with face reading? I guess his ability explains why Slick hates him so much. I still was going to try to get out though, but I have to watch what I think around Alan. Which will be hard, thoughts isn’t something you can control 24/7. My head jerked up as Slick strode across the room towards me.

“Not broken they say…” He began as he got in my face. “Seemed pretty broken to me on the way here Alison.” He glared at me with his hands on the arm rests of the chair.

He was mad, no he was furious. For what, I had no idea. But how could they think I was broken? I was just laying low till I formulated a plan and prevent form being slapped or worse. This apparently wasn’t working because he leaned back and slapped my face. Tears filled my eyes.

“Crying again are we?” He asked “Couldn’t be like this in front of the boss or Alan could you?” Slick growled. “Now apparently I can’t do my job right. So what’s it gonna be Alison?” I just stared at him. What did he want me to say?

“Are you going to cooperate or will I have to rough you up?” He asked looking absolutely mad. I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts.

“What?” He asked grabbing my shirt. My eyes grew wide. “You are going to cooperate then?” I nodded.

“That’s my girl Alison, mustn’t make me look bad in front of the boss or that horrid Alan.” He finished letting go of me as he rummaged for something in his pocket, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. I fought back tears as Slick smoked his cigarette. My face roared with pain from the hit I received earlier today and the slap that renewed the pain. I sighed and pulled my knees to my chest and hid my face as the uncontrollable tears flowed.
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Alright everyone back to Alison. Happy now? lol JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!
I absolutely appreciate everyones critique and suggestions and each is always taken into consideration!

So what do you guys think about Alan's special ability? Its just something that happened, i didn't plan it. But i hope its not too weird!
Anyway Comment and if your new and like it please sub!!!!
Comments=love and sub= *super happy dance*