
Mind Control

Mind Control

“Get up!” someone yelled in the distance. But I was too focused on the girl in rags standing in the open field. I opened my mouth to ask if she was alright but nothing came out.

Grabbing my throat, I tried to say hello but nothing. The girl in rags had tears streaming down her dirty face. I took a step towards her and the whole field disappeared as if someone turned off the lights. Feeling disoriented I fell over.

“Get up Alison!” a familiar voice yelled again. I tried to pull myself up but a weight held me down. Fear bubbled up inside of me. I began kicking and screaming but still no sound came out of my mouth. The weight got heavier and heavier until I couldn’t breathe. Panic settled in.


I opened my eyes and jumped. Slick was standing over me, shaking his head.

“Bout dam time Alison.” He growled as he yanked me off the floor and drug me to the door, being whipped up so fast made me dizzy so I stumbled as he continued to drag me out the door and down the long hallway.

“What’s going on? Where are we going?” I asked scared out of my mind at the evil look that was on his face. He just continued to pull me. I had no idea what was in store for me but I had enough. So I began squirming and pulling trying to get out of his grip. Still struggling he opened the door to the foyer.

“Let me go!” I yelled trying desperately to kick him and get free. Once we entered the foyer Slick swung me around to face him and then slapped me across the face.

“Shut the hell up!” He screamed in my face. My eyes grew wide but knowing that being slapped seemed to be all he was capable of my eyes narrowed as I glared at him. Both of our heads turned as a chuckle brought us back to reality.

“I was beginning to wonder if that’s all he’s capable of as well Alison.” Alan smiled as he unfolded his arms and walked across the foyer to us. My heart quickened at the sight of Alan. I tried desperately not to think anything, afraid of what he’d hear? Read? Sense? I didn’t know how his ability worked all I knew was I wanted to stay clear of him. As that thought crossed my mind Alan smiled at me, apparently happy he scared the hell out of me. Alan then turned his attention to Slick.

“What did I tell you last night? If you can’t prove you have control of her then you’ll be demoted and the Boss will find…”

“’Someone else to deal with her’ I know Alan now but out.” Slick growled as his grip on my arm tightened. Alan folded his arms again.

“Just take her to where others are and come back alright?” Alan said.

“What? Come back why Alan? I have to get her paper work filed and then make sure Rob is set for Friday.” Slick said narrowing his eyes in distrust towards Alan. “Paper work?”I thought “Oh go oh god.”I started shaking uncontrollably.

“Do as I say Slick.” Alan said raising his voice. His eyes glanced down at me. “And for gods sake hurry up she looks as if she’s about to have a fit.” He took one last warning gaze at Slick and then turned and walked away.

Slick sighed and then yanked me to the front door. I squinted my eyes as the cool morning sun engulfed us. As my eyes adjusted to the light and we briskly walked across the small open field I noticed burning embers from the fire the previous night. There were a lot of men walking in the open field, stopping to chat, casually slapping each others backs or dragging a girl much like me behind them. That’s why I was shocked when my eyes met a tall woman standing by Slicks truck. She had blonde wavy hair and beautiful curvy figure. Slick saw her wave and mad a beeline for her.

“Got the paper work ready Rose?” Slick asked as he stopped in front of her by the hood of the truck. She had a file in her hands. Her eyes sparkled.

“Good morning to you too Slick.” She said playfully as she laid the file on the truck. Slick sighed, and pushed me against the truck.

“Look Rose don’t act as if I don’t know what you’re trying to do.” Slick said as he grabbed the file. Rose raised an eyebrow.

“Your husband just fucked my schedule up, and probably is on the war path to get me fired, so I don’t need you on my tail.” He finished glaring at her.

“Alan does his job unlike you Slick, so don’t get your underwear in a bunch.” Rose snapped back. With a mischievous grin she reached out to touch his arm. But in the time it took her to lift her had Slick jumped back and grabbed me.

“I will do my job Rose! The boss hasn’t sent a warning slip to me so there’s no need for you’re mind control.” Slick shot at her from five feet away.

Rose just smiled as she leaned against his truck. He gave her one last glare then whipped around and led me to a small building that sat right next to the one I went to last night. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion because I didn’t notice this one that night, just the big main one and the small shack in the bushes.

When we got to the front door Slick pulled out a key and unlocked it. Swinging the door open the building appeared to be a one bedroom maybe one bath house. There where two couches and a table with chairs. On one of the couches sat a girl I recognized from the previous night. She had her knees pulled to her chest and her chin rested on her knees. Her face was void of emotion and just stared forward at the wall. Slick shoved me in the room and spun me around to look at him.

“Don’t let Rose touch you. Alan is annoying with his mind reading bullshit but stay away from her.” He whispered as he shook me.

“As far as I’m concerned you’re all bad.” I whispered back. He smiled at my remark and straightened up.

“Alison you’re getting too mouthy.” He grinned and threw his fist at my face.

I fell backwards at the force of his blow. Clutching my face I struggled to get up but was disoriented from the hit. Then I felt a hand grab the front of my shirt dragging me up and shoving me against the wall. Slicks face was micrometers away from mine. His heavy tobacco breath brushed my face. Tears streamed down my face as both of my hands clenched his wrist of the hand that held me up. Gasping for breath he raised me higher against the wall. I began kicking and pushing at the wall trying to get air. His face began fading from view when he let go of me and I crumbled to the floor gasping for air.

I heard foot steps and then a slam of the door. I looked up to see that Slick had left. Pushing myself up I looked at the couch and the girl was still sitting there in the same position as when we came in. I crossed the room and sat next to her. She still didn’t look up.

“Hello.” I said looking at the girl as i rubbed my neck. She continued to stare at the wall.

“Are you ok?” I asked leaning towards her. Of course she wasn’t ok. She had obviously been kidnapped like me but why won’t she talk? I looked closely at her eyes and they seemed a little bit glazed over. Remembering the night I saw her, a knowing fear gave me chills.

“Never mind her Alison” Bipolar whispered. “She’s no good.” He yanked my arm and continued to the building. I looked behind me and caught my last glimpse of the girl as they took her to a smaller brown building hidden in the brush.

“What did she do to you?” I asked her. Knowing I wouldn’t get a response. The girl shook her head. I nearly fell off the couch. I got up and sat in front of her.

“Can you hear me?” I asked. She nodded, still not making eye contact. “What happened?” I prompted her. She just shook her head violently. I put a hand on her knee. She tensed and her eyes grew a bit wider. I was afraid that what had happened to her had to do with Rose. But could there really be such a thing as mind control? It was already established that Alan could read, hear, sense your thoughts, or whatever. But mind control?

“Water.” The girl said as her voice cracked. I jumped up.

“Water? Yeah sure hold on.” I turned around and there was another door at the back of the room.

I crossed the room and opened the door, praying it was a bathroom. I sighed in relief at the sight of a sink and toilet. I turned the faucet on, ignoring how dirty the bathroom was. Dirty muddy floors, grimy sink, and I didn’t dare look in the toilet. Water slowly trickled out as I placed a cup that was on the sink under the water. Turning around I went back to the girl on the couch, who was now sitting with her legs down and looking around the room. “Weird” I thought. I sat next to her and handed her water. She took it and drank it dry.

“Thanks.” She said. Putting the cup on the floor and faintly smiling at me. Her eyes were no longer glazed over.

“What happened?” I asked unable to contain myself.

“I was kidnapped…” She began as she rubbed her head, but I interrupted her.

“Yeah me too, but I meant just now.” I looked at her face she looked at me as if I was crazy.

“Well obviously Rose…” She stopped and looked at her hands. My heart raced.

“So she really can…?” I asked hopping she would say no.

“Yes.” She said in a whisper. My stomach dropped. I was afraid this sci-fi stuff was true.

“Wait.” The girl began, looking at me curiously. “Rose didn’t control your mind the first night?” she asked in disbelief. I shook my head.

“Wonder why.” She said looking at me then the floor. We sat there for a while each absorbed in our own thoughts. I wondered why too. Till I remembered the image of her struggling that night. She was probably taken to that shack that night because she was close to escaping. Rose must have tapped into her mind to calm her down.

“My names Emma, by the way.” She said looking at me with sad eyes.

“Alison.” I said. She smiled.

“So the affects obviously wore off?” I asked Emma.

“Looks like it.” She said as she examined her arms as if there would be sings there. This Rose scared me worse then Allan. I took deep sigh and stood up. Emma looked at me curiously.

“We have to get out of here.” I said.

“Exactly my thoughts,” Emma said as she stood up as well. I smiled.

“You know I noticed a window in the bathroom,” I began. Emma raised an eyebrow.

“They wouldn’t leave it unlocked would they?” She asked in disbelief. We stared at each other for a moment and then both bolted for the bathroom.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright nothing much to say except here it tis!

Comment and tell me what you think!!!

Peace and love!