Status: Hopefully an update out soon! Next couple of days,maybe?

We All Go to Hell

I Couldn't Shake the Feeling

“Be careful, okay Addy?”

I looked up into my brother’s eyes and nodded my head.

“Connor stop freaking out. I’ll be fine. I’m gonna see you at the school, remember?” I asked, rolling my eyes.

“You’re right,” he said, squeezing me in a hug once more. I hugged him back and then he let me go. “Go on.”

I took my cart, with my trunk and owl cage sitting on it, then ran towards the barrier between platforms nine and ten at King’s Cross Station. I felt it melt away, and in seconds I was on the other side, the gleaming red train for Hogwarts in front of me. I sighed, and pushed my cart towards it.

“Rust, my man!”

I glanced behind me for a second, and saw that Connor was standing by a few of his friends, Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini. Even though he was a year older than them, he still considered them a few of his best friends. If you could call them that. More like alliances.

I put my things away, and clambered onto the train, looking for an empty compartment. Towards the end there was one, and I walked into it, then slid the door almost shut, leaving it open a few inches. I sat down on the comfortable seat, and pulled my book out. Before I could become engulfed in it, a voice stopped me.


I looked up and, gave a half smile.

“Hermione, how are you?”

“Good, how was your summer? Did you have fun?”

I winced slightly at the word. Fun was the last thing that had happened.

“Oh, ya know. Same old, same old. How about you?”

“Loads. I ended up staying at Ron’s house for about half-”

“Who you talking to?”

Ron Weasley stuck his head into the compartment, right over Hermione’s shoulder.

“Ronald, don’t interrupt. It’s rude,” Hermione sighed.

“Whatever. Come on, Harry wants us,” he rolled his eyes, and walked away.

She glared after him, then caught my gaze.

“Sorry. The boys are calling me. See you at the school?”

“Definitely. Nice to see you,” I said politely, waving slightly.

“You too,” she said back, then walked off.

I sighed, then opened my book again. People walked past the ajar door, and their voices drifted in. I caught snippets of their conversations. Everyone was excited for the new year. I, personally, was dreading it. Another year of solitude. Another year of loneliness.

A groan of frustration left my lips, and I snapped my book shut. For some reason, I couldn’t focus on it. So I settled for leaning against the wall by the wind, watching people pass the glass door.

Draco Malfoy’s voice flooded my ears again, and despite my best interests, my pulse sped up a beat. I know what you’re thinking, and no I did not like him. But the boy was absolutely gorgeous.

He walked by, his Hogwart’s robes swishing around his feet, his shocking platinum hair laying in wisps over his forehead. Blaise walked after him, my brother following them both. For a split second his eyes caught mine, and he smiled. I simply nodded my head back at him.

The train rumbled to life beneath me, and I settled into my seat, planning on taking a short nap before I had to change into my robes.

When I woke up, it was slightly dark outside, and rain was pattering against the window. My body was stiff, and my neck hurt from the position I had fallen asleep in. I stretched, then sat up, rubbing my eyes. People walked by the compartment door, all of them in the robes and I figured I should be as well.

So I stood up, and grabbed them to go change. When I got back, an announcement was made that we had reached the school. I had made it just in time. I climbed off the chain, various people bumping into me, and made my way over to the carriages. The threstals stared back at me, their red eyes glowing. I gazed back. They were a site to see.

“You can see them too?”

I turned my head to the right and smiled.

“Hello Luna. Yes I can see them.”

“They’re beautiful creatures, aren’t they?” she asked, with a dreamy expression.

“In their own way,” I said back. “Luna, would you like to share a carriage?”

“Yes, I think I would.”

We climbed into a carriage, and the next moment it was moving, taking us towards the castle. Luna Lovegood was probably the one of the only people in Hogwarts who I genuinely got along with. Everyone thought I was antisocial, and they thought she was mentally insane, so we made a pretty good match.

“Are you excited for the new year, Addrena?”

“Hmm very. After all, this is our second to last year,” I chuckled. “I love Hogwarts dearly, but I’m ready to face the world.”

She said nothing, and rest of the ride back to the castle was silent. When we pulled up to the front door, we both climbed out. I gave her one last smile, and she nodded back, before walking up the steps in a daze.

Luna was a strange person.

“Back off Malfoy,” I heard someone yell.

Inside the castle, a group of older students had formed around Draco, and Harry Potter, their wands pointed directly at each other. Ron was on the ground, Hermione sitting next to him, his head cradled in her lap.

“Why should I Pothead? He’s the one who started it,” Draco all but sneered.

“Because you called Hermione a Mudblood!” Harry screamed, his face livid.

I noticed that Ron’s lip was split, and a black bruise was beginning to form on Draco’s face. The overwhelming sense to go help him rose up in me, but I squashed it. He had no idea who I was.

“Potter! Malfoy!” Professor McGonagall called at them. The group of first years were trailing behind her, trying to get a look at the fight. “Is this anyway to present yourselves in front of our young students?!”

Harry’s wand fell to his side, and he hung his head.

“Sorry Professor,” he mumbled.

“Get back into the Great Hall, all of you,” she barked.

I had to hold in a laugh, Ron could barely walk. Hermione was trying to help him, but she couldn’t support his weight. Harry ran over to her, and slung his other arm over his shoulder.

The Great Hall looked as it always did. The ceiling looked like the night sky, and candles floated everywhere in midair. I made my way over to the Ravenclaw table, where I took a seat towards the end, all by myself.

McGonagall came in, not seconds later, the first years trailing behind her. Their heads turned in every which way in awe. I smiled fondly at the memory of when I was sorted six years ago.

The never-ending chatter wafted through the first years after one more student had just been sorted. She had been put in Hufflepuff, which caused the table to erupt into applause and cheers. The Slytherin table booed.

“Rust, Addrena!”

I froze. Professor McGonagall’s eyes landed on me, and she motioned me up to the stool. I pushed through the small crowd, and climbed onto the stool, letting the Sorting Hat fall over my eyes.

“Aah, Ms. Rust. Yes, I remember your brother. He was very easy to sort; was perfect for Slytherin. I see you are little more difficult though,” the hat stopped and seemed to be in thought. “You’re loyal, very good for Hufflepuff. But at the same time cunning, willing to cut losses, makes you fit in Slytherin. Hmm, and brave when need be; Gryffindor would have you,” it paused again. “But, I see your intelligence is very high, and you pride yourself on that. I know your brother will be very disappointed in my decision.”

It stopped completely, and I fidgeted in my seat.


I pulled the hat off, and ran to the table that was cheering loudly, and sat down. A few people patted me on the back, smiling widely.

One girl a few seats away from me, grinned at me, and threw a peace sign my way.

“Welcome to your house. You’re gonna love it.”

She was right. I did love it. I loved Ravenclaw and Hogwarts with a passion. It was like a home. Even though I knew I never really fit in completely, it was better than the mansion of a house my family had. There, I was completely avoided.

My father, Benjamin Rust, was a very proud man. He prided himself on the fact that we were Purebloods, and that he could trace his Slytherin roots all the way back to his great-great-great-great-great-grandfather. Same with my mother, Lanelle Masters-Rust. So they were sure that I would placed be in Slytherin, just had my brother had. Boy, were they surprised when they got my letter saying I hadn’t followed in their footsteps.

So, I was the outcast. The black sheep of the family. And quite frankly, I really didn’t mind. I never saw the whole point of disliking Muggle-borns, and being all conceited, just because I was a Pureblood. This disappointed my parents further. Half the time they pretended I didn’t even exist. And I was okay with it.

Dumbledore began to speak, and I barely listened to his speech. He always said the same thing every year, just changed the wording. My mind drifted off, thinking about classes that would the next day. I caught snippets of what he was saying.

“….the Forbidden Forest is off-limits to all…..list of things that are banned on Filch’s door…..classes start tomorrow…..”

Food appeared in front of us, the once empty platters filling up. Simultaneously, my stomach growled at the smells, and I was happy for Dumbledore’s perfect timing. Chatter bounced off the walls around me, and I sat quietly, munching on some mashed potatoes contently.

I felt eyes on me, and I looked up. I glanced around, trying to see who had been gazing at me, but saw nobody. So I went back to eating. A few seconds, later I felt it again. But nobody was even glancing my way.

The feast ended, and people began to file out of the Great Hall, some resting against others, trying not to doze off. Right when I turned a corner, I felt eyes on me once more. But when I turned around, no one was behind me in the corridor. I tried to shake off the ominous feeling that was gnawing inside me, but I couldn’t get rid of it.

And when I tired to sleep that night, I tossed and turned.
♠ ♠ ♠
So yeah, how'd y'all like it?
Explanation on why I decided to do this story will be on the News section on my profile.

Please tell me what you think. Comments would be highly appreciated :]

Much love