Status: Hopefully an update out soon! Next couple of days,maybe?

We All Go to Hell

You Dirty Little Ferret

The Great Hall was bursting at the seams with students, all of them happily excited to start classes that day. I quite frankly didn’t care about the actual classes, but more or less who I was going to be pared up with.

I walked by a group of second year girls, and they all began to smile and bat their eyelashes at me. I smirked, and continued walking to the Slytherin table.

“Hey, Malfoy. Took long enough, didn’t ya?”

“Shut up Zabini,” I snapped, and sat down.

“Ooh, someone is touchy this morning,” Connor laughed, and high-fived Blaise behind my back.

I piled some scrambled eggs and toast onto my plate, and poured some pumpkin juice into my glass.

“You guys know very well that I am not a morning person,” I said around a mouthful of eggs, glaring out in front of me. Unfortunately a first year Ravenclaw at the neighboring table saw, squeaked then ran off.

“Geez Malfoy, you really gotta scare them new kids already,” Connor smirked.

“Shove off Rust,” I growled, my eyes narrowing to slits.

“Seriously. What the hell has got your boxers in a twist?”


I dropped my fork, and it clattered onto the floor.

“Oh shit,” I groaned, hiding my head in my hands.

Pansy came running over, and pushed Blaise over and sat down. Her arms slid around my neck, so I was being pulled down at an awkward angle.

“Drakie Baby! I missed you so much over the summer,” she giggled. “Why didn’t you write to me?”

“Um, well, you see Pansy,” I started uneasily. “I got really busy…”

“It’s okay,” she waved her hand in dismissal. “We’re together now.”

My eyes narrowed again, and the usual smirk graced my lips.

“Actually Pansy, no, we’re not. We never have been.”

“But Drakie!” she whined, finally letting go of me.

“Oh my God, go away!” some guy a few seats away snapped at her.

Her mouth open and closed for a few seconds, before she let out a frustrated howl, and stomped away from the Slytherin table. On her way out the entrance, she ran into someone, causing the book in her hand, to fly out and land on the floor.

My heart twisted in my chest. It was the same girl from the feast last night. She had been sitting by herself the whole time, eating silently, and talking to nobody. I had no idea who she was, and I had the overwhelming need to go find out.

She waltzed in after retrieving her lost book, and sat at the Ravenclaw table. Her hair looked like it was almost black, but she moved her head a fraction of an inch, and the sunlight hit it, causing deep reds and browns to shimmer.

Her head suddenly snapped up from her breakfast, and she started to look around, before her gaze finally landed on me. And for some odd reason I couldn’t look away. From this far away, I couldn’t tell what color her eyes were. I desperately wanted to know. She looked confused for a second. I broke the stare, and looked down.

What the hell was wrong with me? I mentally slapped myself multiple times to clear my head. She was some antisocial bookworm, and I couldn’t stop looking at her. There was something wrong with this picture.

“You guy, distract me,” I mumbled.

“Huh?” Blaise said, a piece of bacon hanging from his mouth.

“I said distract me you pig,” I rolled my eyes, then turned to Connor. “What’s your family like? You only talk about your parents occasionally.”

He seemed dazed by the sudden question. His eyes dropped to his plate, where he fiddled with his knife.

“Um, well I have a sister,” he said quietly.

“You do?” I asked incredulously. My eyes scanned up and down the table. “Does she go to the school?”

“Yeah, she’s, uh, over there,” he said, nodding his head in a vague direction.

“Where?” Blaise asked, his eyes searcing.

Connor pointed over to the Ravenclaw table, and at the quiet girl who had captured my attention.

“That’s your sister?!” I all but screamed, now partially standing up.

About half the heads surrounding us turned in my direction. Her gaze caught mine, and she looked sad. I knew she had heard me; it was obvious we were talking about her.

“What’s her name?”


She looked at her brother, then grabbed her bag and books, and stormed out of the Great Hall.

“Fuck,” Connor groaned, then ran after her.

Addrena’s Point of View

“That’s your sister?!”

I looked up at his loud words, and watched as Draco’s expression turned from confusion to what resembled revulsion. Connor was staring fixatedly at his plate before he looked up at me. I grabbed my things and ran out. I couldn’t handle the burning looks they were giving me.

The corridors twisted around me, as I sunk farther into the dungeons, hell bent on getting to my Potions class.

“Addy, wait!”

I felt the anger bubble up inside of me. I whipped around and glared.

“What Connor? What on earth could you want?” I snapped.

He bent over, hands on his knees.

“Malfoy just wanted to know who my sister was,” he breathed. “He didn’t know I had one.”

My nostrils flared.

“You just never told him? I can understand not telling him that you have some freak for a sister, but he didn’t even know I existed? What? Been hiding me that long?” I growled. “Nice to know you’re so ashamed of me.”

“Addy, I’m not ashamed of you,” he began, stepping forward. He placed his hand on my forearm.

“Like hell you aren’t,” I said sarcastically, then ripped my arm away. “If I embarrass you so much, don’t even bother talking to me.”

I glared one more time, before turning around. His loud sigh reached my ears, and I could picture him running his fingers through his short brown hair.

I didn’t even know why I was so upset about it. I knew I wasn’t exactly reviewed as normal, considering my supposed Slytherin background. But he could have at least mentioned that he had a sister before, and not just kept me in the closet.

The real reason why though was probably the look of utter disgust that I had gotten from Draco. It hurt to have someone hate you so automatically, especially when they knew nothing about you. I wasn’t in his house, therefore I was scum. My throat closed uncomfortably.

I turned another corner, and reached a large wooden door. I leaned against the wall, and waited for other students to start showing up. A few other Ravenclaws trickled in a couple moments later. One girl gave me a small smile, and I did so back. When the Slytherins started showing up, I felt my hands clench into fists. A group of girls turned their noses up at me. I glared back at them.

“Well, who would have known that Connor Rust has a Ravenclaw for a sister?”

My nails bit into my palms, but I barely noticed. My anger today was just at an all-time high. Draco walked in, Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle following him. That stupid smirk was plastered on his beautiful face, his hands stuffed into his pockets. I had half a mind to slap it off of him.

The Ravenclaw girl who had smiled at me seemed taken back by my hostility. Since no one ever talked me, none of them knew just how fast I could get annoyed. I only really snapped every few weeks, but I hadn’t really gotten pissed in awhile, so I was due to break at any moment.

“Gee boys, she looks kinda mad,” Draco drawled.

“Piss off Malfoy,” I ground out.

“Or what?” he smirked.

“Or I’ll hex you into an oblivion,” I spat, already reaching for my wand.

“What I don’t get, is how a whole family of Slytherins could spawn somebody who would end up in such a lower house. Who knows, maybe your mom slept around,” he laughed cruelly.

That was the last straw. I launched forward, and tackled him to the ground, sticking my wand under his chin.

“Take it back, you dirty little ferret. Or so help me God you’ll have a hole going through your head.”

He seemed amused. For a moment his icy blue eyes twinkled, and I almost got distracted. I may have been pissed at the boy, but being so close, I got to admire his perfectly sculpted features.

“Ya know, you’re not the first girl to tackle me like that. They all want a piece of me,” that damn smirk seemed glued to his lips.

“No, what I want is to rip you to pieces.”

Just when I opened my mouth to say a spell, footsteps echoed down the hallway. I groaned then jumped off of him, shoving my wand in one of my robe pockets. Snape turned the corner, and glowered at Draco on the floor.

“Mr. Malfoy, what are you doing on the ground?” he snapped.


“Get up. Or I’ll be forced to take points away.”

He clambered up and straightened his robes. Snape brushed passed him, and sauntered into his classroom.

“Bitch,” hissed Draco as soon as the professor was out of sight.

“I may be a bitch, but you’re an ugly bastard. I can change my attitude, you can’t change your face,” I snapped back, my anger barely controlled.

His eyes narrowed into slits.

“This is so not over,” he threatened.

“Oh, wow. I’m shaking in my effing boots,” I said sarcastically, then stalked into the dungeon.
♠ ♠ ♠
I swear, I think I'm in love with this story xD Seriously, this chapter made me laugh my butt off. And I'm the one who wrote it =O
Hence why I just posted a new update within the past two days
I really like where it's going, do you? Let me know, please?
Btw, her name is pronounced Uh-Dre-Nuh. Mmkay?

Comments are very highly appreciated

Much love