Starting to Get An Attraction

Copyright © 2009 by Ri_gLiTz
  1. One.
    "Now listen here you ho, I'll put it simple for you...hell no," she said, her bright blue eyes twinkling with amusement. The man made a whining noise, pouting.
  2. Two.
    Minutes passed and Ria knew she had to go outside eventually. Hell, she might've been imagining the men in her house.
  3. Three.
    By the time I'm home I expect the whole of Avenged Sevenfold and your blonde ass to be out of my house.
  4. Four.
    She started breathing again when she realised she hadn't fallen like she thought, but felt two strong arms hold on to her.
  5. Five.
    “You’d love to be with me?” Matt asked grinning.“No! I mean yes! I mean, God,” she said, blushing. Why was it that she fumbles and embarasses herself more than usual when he's around?
  6. Six.
    “Yeah right, you weren’t the one embarrassed to death! And you! You were playing right along. You’re twisted you know that?”
  7. Seven.
    “Where are we?” I asked quickly. “At the park,” he said slowly.“To meet up with the guys,” he said and made an effort to get out but I stopped him.“Besides you’ll get to meet the girls.”