Starting to Get An Attraction


"But Aunty--,"Steve started to protest but yawned loudly, "We're not sleepy at all!" The three of them were in the living room, watching SpongeBob. It was barely an hour since Ria came and the kids were feeling sleepy; well Steve was in denial.

Ria giggled at the little boy, "Really? ‘Cause your sister is already sleeping."

Steve pouted but was interrupted by another loud yawn. Ria shook her head.

"Look, you're yawning a lot!" She said and lifted Steve up, leaving him on the couch while she got up, "Watch SpongeBob," she commanded in a light tone. Ria figured the little scamp would fall asleep any minute now.

Heading to get some water, Ria heard the jingling of keys and then the front door opening. She leaned back to see who was coming in and quickly grabbed a bottle of water from the newly bought, black fridge.

Ria then walked to the front door to greet her brother-in-law; a big smile on her face, "Hey Stephen!" she greeted while hugging him. Stephen, unlike her sister, was easy-going, fun, nice to talk to and overall a great person. Catherine was nice too; it was just that she always had her nose too far up in the air.

"Hey Ria, thanks for looking after the kids," Stephen said. Ria drank from the bottle and covered it back, shaking her head.

"You know it's not a problem. I love them a lot. Besides, I barely even got an hour with the devils."

"Well, I'm here now, I'll relieve you," Stephen said. Ria laughed.

"You get the easy part; they're both out strong."

"Good," Stephen smiled. Ria grabbed her jacket, keys and once again hugged Stephen.

"Bye," she said. Stephen smiled in response and made sure she made it to her car safely.

Ria struggled with opening her house door. The sky was barely dark out and that would've been sufficient light for a normal person to find the right key, but no...Ria just happened to be a blind friggin' bat!

Frustrated, she tried the last key and pushed the damn thing in the keyhole fast and turning it impatiently. Her front door then swung open abruptly and Ria would've fallen, if her hand wasn't still attached to doorknob.

Quickly, Ria fixed herself and placed her key on the small, brown, wooden table seen as soon as she entered her house. Locking back the door, Ria sighed and kicked off her slippers.

Entering her living room, Ria closed her eyes and tugged at the pony tail holder which came off with ease, freeing her silky, dark hair, "Note to self; destroy the fucking' bunch of keys and get a new set with the only three I use," Ria then heard the laughter and opened her eyes, then shook her head lightly, "Why am I not surprised that you disobeyed my clear instructions to fuck off?" she asked Sophia who just grinned.

Ria rolled her eyes and sat on the only free space; the floor. Unfortunately, she sat in front of Sophia who oh-so-nicely put her feet on Ria's left shoulder.

"Oh fuck, has anyone ever told you that your feet smell rancid?" Ria asked, looking at her friend. Sophia frowned and brought up one of her feet to her nose to smell, "Gross, Soph!"

"My feet smell awesome!" Sophia said and then sniffed her foot again, "Kind of minty..."

"Okay then!" Ria said, blinking.

Ria had heard the whole band laughing at the conversation she and Sophia had, but right now, Ria was trying to avoid making any eye-contact or conversation with one of her favourite bands who probably thought of her as a freak. So right now, the beige coloured carpet was looking pretty interesting. Ria scrunched up her nose; after staring at the carpet, she realised how weird it looks and figured she should destroy the carpet along with her keys.

"Ria!" she hears Sophia scream into her ear. Ria held her right ear in pain and jumped up. She glared at the now innocently looking friend.

"What?" Ria asked through gritted teeth.

"I 'unno," Sophia shrugged, causing Ria's eyes to widen and then narrow as she glared at her blonde friend, "But, I do know you're being your anti-social self and I hate it!" she complained.

Ria blinked, bored, her hand still pressed against her ear, "And what do you suggest exactly?"

All of a sudden Sophia stood up and tugged Ria's hand hard.

"Motherfuck--," Ria couldn't get the rest out as she felt herself falling. Her eyes were shut tight, just waiting for her ass to make a hard impact with the floor. She started breathing again when she realised she hadn't fallen like she thought, but felt two strong arms hold on to her. She opened her eyes and realised she ended up on the couch--just like Sophia wanted--but on not on one of the ended up on Matt Sanders' lap.

Ria's eyes went wide as she stared into those beautiful hazel brown eyes that seem to just warm her soul. She could feel the heat creeping up from her neck to her face, and all she wanted to do was hide. Why the hell was awkward and God damned embarrassing things seem to be frequent with her lately? And of course, there was the small fact of M. Shadows. The drop dead gorgeous man she was sitting on still hadn't let go of his hold on her. Instead, he was grinning, looking like sex himself.

"Hello," he spoke, his voice like Tiramisu or Triple Chocolate Cheesecake; smooth and just made Ria want to close her eyes and moan. The very thought made her cheeks flush even more.

"Hi," she squeaked and swallowed. She cleared her throat, feeling foolish by the second, "Um—could you let go of me?" The god smiled slowly and nodded, and soon enough, she felt his warm palms abandon her waist.

But damn did it feel good there.
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So there's these set of people who I label COMMENTETERS...yeah it's not a real word...and the set of people aren't always the same set....but commenteters are the ones who drive me to continue writing my stories, who make me want to write 'cause how the fuck else would I know if people like my stories?

So I just wanna thank the four kick ass bitchez for commenting: Brooke;, A7XLover, XSyd Sweet SinsX and Midnight. Shadows.

Oh, and while i'm on the topic of thanking and shit, I'd just like to thank the fact that I can't fucking sleep, since that was the reason I posted this yups...thank you my astranged sleeping habits...did that even make sense? Oh fuck it, I don't care.

Oh, and COMMENT :D