If You Run


Josh shuddered as he saw Max approach him. Every time he smirked at him, it was a reminder of what had happened.

"Erm, Lydia, I don't feel so good. Wait for me here, yeah?" he quickly muttered to his girlfriend. He practically ran to the mens toilets.

He kept on splashing water on his face, like it'd make a difference. He couldn't let Max of all people make him feel like this.


"Josh." he slurred "You want this, I want this. What's so bad about that?"

Josh bit his lip.

"I have a girlfriend, Max. I can't do this."

Max laughed at him.


Something snapped inside Josh.

"Say a word and I will hunt you down." he growled.

"I wouldn't mind that, actually." giggled Max.

"And keep it down." he added, before crashing their lips together.

End Flashback

He heard the door open behind him and almost groaned. It was bad enough that Max kept on finding excuses to come round to Josh's whilst Lydia was there but to appear when they were supposed to be on a night out?

"Hey Josh." he smiled.

Josh glared.

"What do you want?"

Max widened his eyes.

"I just fancied a drink."

"So you choose a place that's far away from your house?"

The other man shrugged.

"Felt like a change."

They both jumped as they heard a toilet flush. The stranger left without a second glance at them. Now they were alone.

"OK, I'll be honest." Max grinned devilishly. "I just wanted to see you."

Josh gritted his teeth.

"I'm in the same band as you and recently, you've been making up reasons to hang around-"

Max interrupted him.

"I'll be honest this time. I want a repeat of what happened last month."

"Hmm, you getting dumped, deciding to get paralytically drunk and make a move on me?"

Max laughed.

"Without the getting dumped and drunk part. Though you could at least acknowledge that you enjoyed it..."

"That's the part I hate! The fact that I willingly did it, despite having a girlfriend who loves me and-"

Max interrupted again by stroking his shoulders.

"It's OK, it's OK." he soothed. "Listen, you go make your excuses to Lydia, I'll be waiting."

Max left a small kiss on his lips before leaving. By now, Josh was shaking with anticipation of the night ahead. He shivered and went to find Lydia.


Lydia pulled away from the other man, blushing as she did.

"Josh, I-"

"Forget it." he snarled. He stormed out of the bar straight into Max.



Josh gripped his arm.

"My place. Now."
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