

No one's noticed us.

We're stuck in a mangled car, and no one's noticed us.

We're fucking dying in this fucking car and no one's fucking noticed us.

"Help us!" I scream.

No one hears me. They're too busy tending to the fucker that hit us and caused us to ram into a tree.

I turn my head to try and catch the attention of someone, but the light from the ambulance's are burning my eyes and the blood running down my face probably isn't helping either.

I groan and turn the other way quickly, regretting it when pain shoots up my neck, and then I see him.

He's slumped against the steering wheel, blood trickling from his nose and head, and I can't tell whether he's breathing or not and it's scaring me.

Still, no one's noticed us.

"Bob?" I grunt and wait for some sort of response. "Bob? Bobby, say something! Move! Do
something!" I cry getting more panicked with each passing second he doesn't respond or move.

I trymoving to shake him or touch him or something. Let him know that it’s ok. I can't though. My seatbelt has locked up and the pain coursing through my body every time I move is almost unbearable.

"Someone help us!" I choke out.

Still nothing.

This is gonna be all over the news. I can see it now.

Famous rock stars die in car crash" the headlines'll say, and still, no one will probably notice.

"Bobby, wake up. Talk to me. Say something. Please!" I cough and the tears that probably should have been falling already, threaten to do just that.

"Someone…Please…Help us, please." I mumble feebly, sniffling as the tears start to fall.

No one's gonna come to us.

They'll rescue the other guy, clean up and leave, and Bob and I will still be here, trapped in our mangled car, and probably dying, and no one's gonna fucking notice!

We've been here for ages already. I don't actually know exactly how long, because the clock in the dashboard is totally fucked, as is the rest of the car.

"You can't die Bobby. You can't. I love you. You have to stay with me. I don't care what the angels are telling you. Do not fucking follow the light!" I ramble.

Anything to take my mind off the pain, and the situation.

It's not working.

"We're going to die in this god damned car." I mutter to myself, repeatedly thunking my head on the headrest of the seat and feeling my nausea and pain rise each time I do it.

I can hear them yelling outside and it seems so close, yet so far away at the same time.

They're doing all they can for the guy that hit us and probably isn't hurt at all, but nothing for me and Bob, and we're practically wrapped around a fucking tree!

Like, no joke. We're trapped in the car, and the tree we hit is basically the whole way through the dash board.

The damn thing's probably splattered with our blood.

Pity I can't focus well enough to tell.

All I can see in front of me is black, shades of brown, glass and what's left of the front of the car.

And smoke.

At least that's what I hope it is.

Maybe it's some deadly gas created from petrol and tree bark when they meet.

Maybe we're gonna die even quicker because of this gas.

Or maybe I'm just delirious from the pain and don't even know what I'm thinking.

I just wish someone would notice that there's a car wrapped around a tree. And then they can notice that there are people in that car and then they can help said people!


I need to calm down and stop talking to myself. It's probably not helping me in the long run, and it is definitely not helping the pounding in my head.

Someone needs to notice us soon. I think I’m going insane.