‹ Prequel: Dancing with the Enemy
Sequel: Dipped in Crimson
Status: For those of you who have known this story as Twin Demon Butlers, I'm sorry to say that I've changed the title.

Twin Demons

"Open the doors to the seven gates of hell,
Summon what this home needs,
Invite inside two creatures of darkness,
I summon you,
Demon butlers,
Lunatic and Sanity!"

Jane Dearing discovers a magical book, titled Spells of Summoning, hidden away in the attic of her home. That night, she tries one of the spells- on pages 243-244- and is in for one heck of a surprise. She summons two of the devil's most prized butlers, Lunatic and Sanity. In other words, or should I say names, Alexander and Damien.

Series name changed. New ideas; new storyline; ideas for another series that will "lead up" to this one.
  1. A Mysterious Book!
    Jane finds a magical book of summoning in the attic of her home.
  2. Grab your sword and a shield, and what the ***!
    Lunatic and Sanity disappear.
  3. What to do with a couple of idiots
    Jane re-summons Lunatic and Sanity.
  4. I can't sleep alone
    Sanity has other things to take care of, Jane has a nightmare and runs to sleep with Lunatic.
  5. Surprise!
    Sanity eats and types really fast, Lunatic has a strange dream.
  6. The Others
    Lunatic, Sanity, and Jane run into Kendal and Wayne. (Hey, that rhymed!)
  7. Without
    Kendal is without a "demon name," Jane learns about a man named Lucifer.
  8. Sinking
    Lunatic goes missing!
  9. Revenge
    Lunatic and Jane share a heat-filled kiss.
  10. Wicked
    Kendal appears, and tricks Sanity.
  11. Pieces of the Past
    Sanity explains why Kendal hates his nephews. Kendal bullies Jane a little.
  12. Game to Win
    Kendal suggests that he and Jane play a game.
  13. They Gave Up
    Short chapter. Kendal and Wayne give up.
  14. It's a Secret
    Sanity and Lunatic discuss some things about hell with Jane, Lizzie fails at coming up with funny bloopers.
  15. Dancing with the Enemy
    Jane doesn't literally dance with Kendal.
  16. Battle Between Two
    Lame title, I know. Lunatic and Kendal have a tiny fight.
  17. Difficulty Parting
    Lunatic and Sanity notice that Jane could be in danger.
  18. Don't Take it Personally
    Poor Kendal.
  19. I Ought to Kill You
    Kendal and Jane hang out for a bit.
  20. The End of Summer
    And so comes the end of summer.
  21. Back to School
    Lunatic thinks Jane might be the jealous type.
  22. The King of Hell
    Well, that's who he is.
  23. Battle Plans?
    We've met Lucifer, and now we get to find out why he's here.
  24. He wouldn't, would he?
    Lucifer disapproves of Jane's relationship with Lunatic.
  25. The maze is a forest
    Jane runs into some vines, creepy mice, and a mysterious fox-man.
  26. Foxes Den
    Jane remembers a few things.
  27. He's a Dwarf?
    Jane meets a... rather tall dwarf.
  28. Spider!
    Rather short chapter; Jane runs into Tiki the Spider.
  29. Your loss, my gain
    Jane has run out of time.
  30. Lucifer vs. Lunatic
    Lunatic cuts deep with an insult.
  31. Thank you
    Lucifer returns Jane.
  32. So there really isn't a war?
    In which there is a slight misunderstanding.
  33. Scream and Cry
    Wayne died!
  34. The end of winter break
    I know most of you probably don't read the authors notes.
  35. You Don't
    Jane has regrets.
  36. But I'm Sorry
    And so she summoned Kendal again.
  37. What a threat
    Lunatic threatens to take Lucifer's throne.
  38. I don't want to
    Double meaning for the chapter title.
  39. A loss that we both share
    I am sorry for the following unfortunate/fortunate events.
  40. Epilogue: My, how time has flown
    And so comes the end to the first story.