Famous By Association

Chapter 1

Lacey stared out the window of the luxurious car. On the other side, hundreds of paparazzi shoved each other to get a picture of Amanda West and her sister leaving the photo shoot. The black car was fast in getting them in and leaving, though.
Ever since Amanda, Lacey's sister, had gotten a modeling contract with the most important agency in the business, she had risen a million steps on the social ladder. And dragged her sister along with her.
They had had to leave their humble hometown and move to California, Beverly Hills, to be exact. Amanda was just that popular of a model. There, Lacey left behind her best friend, Timothy. They had known each other their whole lives, and were inseparable. When they were younger, they had made marriage plans and chosen where to live, who to live next to, and how many kids they'd have. As they got older, they didn't talk about those things because having a boyfriend or a girlfriend turned into a different thing. It wasn't just the having the title and occasionally holding hands. It was for real.
By the time they fourteen, a year before they left for the big city, they had made clear to everyone they were strictly friends. Lacey secretly liked him, although he was chubby and, frankly, not at all that handsome. But she liked him. She had been destroyed when they left.
Like she always reminded herself, it was her sister's fault. And it wasn't just her being capricious, either. It really was her fault: the paparazzi, the sudden greediness in their parents, the move, everything!
Her phone started vibrating crazily in the pocket of her white shorts. She pulled it out, hoping it wasn't one of Amanda's friends, calling her because Amanda had her phone off or something stupid like that.
“Hello?” Lacey asked wearily, not even bothering to read the Caller ID.
“Hi, Lace.”
“Hey, Tom.”
Tom was had been her boyfriend for the past two years. Basically, since she had moved to Beverly Hills. He was the perfect guy: cute, kind, smart and funny.
“What are you up to?”
“Just heading home.”
Amanda made some hand motions pointing down the street.
“Oh, wait. We're going to Amanda's apartment.”
“Mind if I come? I happen to be close by.”
“Of course not. See you there.”
“Alright. Bye.”
It didn't surprise her he was around there. Amanda's apartment was in the middle of glamorous LA. Nearby were all the expensive stores, where he usually shopped at.
Tom was also a model. They had met him on the the first photo shoot that Amanda had attended. They had had to model together. Afterwards, they had gone out to eat together, and the rest was history.
Lacey always went with Amanda to the shoots. She was supposedly good luck for Amanda. Lacey just went because she was on summer vacation, and she had nothing better to do.
“Lacey,” Amanda turned to her, “Why are you wearing that blouse?”
“Well, because I like it.”
“It looks too cowboyish. You look bad. If you look bad, I look bad.”
“I'm not taking it off.”
Amanda huffed, and turned snappishly to look out the window.
Ever since they had moved to California, Amanda wanted to forget her past. They were from the countryside, and had a bit of an accent, which most people thought charming. She hated it, and in a matter of months removed it. She hated plaid blouses, cowboy boots and anything of the sort. Even though they didn't really dress like that where they lived, she had like a countryphobia
Her parents had changed too. They barely ever saw them, and all they cared about was making money. Her mother wore Chanel dresses, and her father tuxes, when before they wore jeans on a daily basis. Lacey hated that they were ashamed of who they were.
Although they constantly told her to change and that she was a little ridiculous, she stayed the same, accent and all. She was a proud Oklahoman, and nobody would ever change that.
“We're here,” the chauffeur announced.
Lacey climbed out, and waited for Amanda. The girl had to check her hair and makeup before showing herself in public.
Tom's car pulled up behind theirs, and he climbed out. Like them, he didn't do the driving. He smiled when he saw her. He kissed her on the cheek, probably embarrassed because Amanda was, finally, out.
“Damn!” Amanda muttered under her breath.
“What's wrong?” Tom asked, worried.
“I-I forgot my phone at the shoot. I was expecting a call from the agency.”
“It's not like I'm going to go get it,” Lacey spat.
“That's really cool of you,” Tom said, looking at her with admiration in his eyes. “If I knew where you guys were at, I'd go to.”
Lacey looked from Amanda to Tom. She didn't want to look selfish. And he had an adorable expression on his face.
“That's my girl.”
Hearing those words exit his mouth made the task worth it.
“Sorry, but you'll have to take a bus. The chauffeur went home. Do you mind?”
She noticed their pressuring eyes on her.
“I'll be back in about half an hour.”
They nodded. Everyone knew how slow the buses were.
Lacey started walking to the nearest bus stop, annoyed but delighted at the same time. She loved when Tom made remarks that emphasized they were an item. She spotted a black car at the gas station across the street. It was very similar to that of the chauffeur's. Could it be him? Maybe she could convince him to give her a ride.
She jogged across the street, crossing her fingers he would say yes.
“Lance?” she questioned the man standing beside the car.
He turned abruptly.
“Hello, Ms. West,” he said, a bit confused.
“Would you mind giving me a ride?”
“I'm sorry; I'm done for the day.”
“I really am sorry.”
“I''l pay you extra.”
His eyes lit up. He wasn't greedy, just trying to maintain a family.
“Where to?”
“The photo shoot we just came back from,” Lacey replied, handing him a couple fifty dollar bills. She climbed into the backseat and waited for him to finish inserting the fuel.
“My two girls,” he said, pointing to a picture of his family in the dashboard. “Have been dying to visit Disney. Thank you.”
When people said things like that, Lacey pitied them. She had enough money for whatever she needed, and complained.
“Did I pay you enough?”
“More than enough.”
As she leaned to buckle the seatbelt, she spotted something between the seats reflecting sunlight. Lacey pulled it out and it was Amanda's cellphone.
“Never mind. I don't need the ride. Thanks anyways, and keep the money.”
“Thank you,” he called happily after her.
Lacey smiled. More time she could spend with Tom. With his job and all, they didn't see each other as much as they'd like.
She pulled out the spare key that Amanda had given her for emergencies, but she often used to get in. As she pushed the door open, Lacey heard nothing. She quickly walked to the nearest room, the living room, and couldn't believe what she saw.
Amanda and Tom were making out, right then and there, as if he weren't her boyfriend and she, her sister. She wanted to yell, but her mouth was dry.
As soon as she recuperated, Lacey threw Amanda's phone at them, aiming for their faces. It was a stupid thing to do, but it was on an impulse. She wasn't thinking straight.
“Here's your stupid phone.”
They turned to her, alarmed. As quickly as they could manage, they disentangled themselves. They seemed stupefied, in a trance.
“Lacey...” Tom uttered.
“Shut up. I don't want to hear you.”
She thought she saw blood in his nose. Good.
“And you,” Lacey turned to Amanda, “You're my sister. I can understand it from a jerk like him, but you?”
“You're going to pay. Both of you.”
Lacey rushed out of the apartment, slamming the door on her way out. She knew her sister was superficial, greedy and unkind, but she never thought she was a traitor too.
♠ ♠ ♠
New story.