Famous By Association

Chapter 2

Lacey rushed out onto the sidewalk. Where the heck were all the taxis? Obviously not around there.
“Lace,” Amanda stormed out of the apartment after her.
“Look, it’s not what you think.”
“Oh, really? I don’t suppose he was in need of CPR.”
“He started kissing me-”
“Please. It was more than obvious you were kissing him back.”
“Well it’s not only my fault, you know. Your little boyfriend has been cheating on you for two years and you blow up at me.”
Two years? Since the very beginning. He was just like everyone else. Getting close to her to get close to Amanda West.
“With you?”
“Me? No way. With other girls.”
“And you never told me this because…”
“It was none of my business.”
“None of your business? That’s the worst excuse I’ve ever heard.”
“Look, I’m not going to get into my little sister’s boyfriend problems.”
“How could you be like this? We’re sisters, remember? Are you that heartless?”
“Look, don’t start insulting me just because I’m way prettier than you and I can steal your guy in a matter of seconds, alright? Just face it: you’ve always been the ugly duckling in the family.”
Lacey didn’t reply. That had always hurt her, and Amanda knew. It had been a cheap shot.
A cab appeared out of nowhere and Lacey waved to it.
As she climbed in, she glance back at Amanda. She looked back without any hint of emotion. She didn’t care if she had just lost her sister, or if she had hurt her with those words.
And that was what made Lacey’s eyes fill up with tears.

“Take me to the Harlington Theater, please.”
The taxi driver pulled up a few minutes later. She handed him a few bills and stepped out of the cab.
Her mind was in a daze. She had just had the worst argument of her life.
Going to the theater was a way to calm herself down a little. It was a special, generally unknown, theater where they played popular classics, and charged the admission a buck, mostly because not many people went. Its exterior was very old-fashioned, as well as its inside.
Lacey read Pride and Prejudice in big black letters above the main entrance. She was lucky: that was one of her favorite movies of all time. Maybe it would help calm her down.
She bought her ticket and entered. There was an annoyed lady with dyed blonde hair and bright red lipstick behind a counter that sold popcorn, candy and such things.
Suddenly, she felt like eating ice cream. She watched as the lady opened a big freezer to take something out. She spotted some Ben and Jerry’s in it.
“Hello, how may I help you?”
“I’d like some ice cream.”
“Sorry we don’t have ice cream.”
“Excuse me, but I just saw some in the freezer.”
“It’s not for sale.”
“What do you mean it’s not for sale?”
“I mean,” she said, tugging at her hairnet, “That I’m not going to sell it to you.”
“I’ve had enough of everyone today. Just give me the stupid ice cream!”
“Don’t force me to call security.”
Lacey glared at the lady with hatred and walked away, headed for the right door to see the movie.
“Hey,” a tall guy with astounding green eyes and brown hair said to her. She recognized him from some of the fashion magazines her sister had. His name was Ryan Clark, and he was quite recognized among the population. He was astonishingly handsome. There were so many nice things about him: the way his hair was a little messy but still looked perfect, the charming smile he had, the sparkle in his eyes…
“Hi,” she replied in a bored tone. Famous or not, she was annoyed at everyone at the moment.
“Um, I saw what happened.”
“What do you want, a prize?”
He laughed. It was a pleasant sound.
“I was thinking I could get you some ice cream and maybe we could watch the movie together?”
Lacey couldn’t believe he was asking her to watch a movie with him. He was Ryan Clark.
“What makes you think you’ll get the ice cream? The movie’s about to start, you know.”
“If I get it, will you watch the movie with me?”
“Good enough for me.”
He approached the counter. The lady’s eyes lit up with recognition.
“You’re Ryan Clark!”
Fortunately, there wasn’t really anyone around.
He flashed her one of his dazzling smiles.
“Would you happen to have some ice cream?”
“Of course!”
She rushed to get Mr. Clark some. Lacey didn’t know he was that famous.
“Here you go.”
“Thanks. How much is it?”
“Oh, don’t worry. It’s on the house. May I have your autograph? It’s not every day someone famous comes here.”
“Of course,” he said signing a napkin.
“Thank you. Have a good time!”
He waved as he walked towards Lacey.
“See? I got you the ice cream. And for free.”
“Yeah. Thanks.”
She grabbed it and walked away.
“Hey, where are you going?” he called, catching up to her and walking beside her.
“To see a movie. What else would I be doing at a theater?”
“But you didn’t answer to my request.”
“Look, I know why you want to watch the movie with me, okay? It’s happened to me before, and I absolutely hate it.”
“Do that many guys think you’re pretty?” he grinned.
“Ha ha, very funny. Don’t act all innocent now. I know you want to hang out with me so I can introduce you to my sister, Amanda West. I’ll save you the torture of watching the movie with me, if you want I’ll just give you her number.”
“Your sister’s Amanda West?”
That had caught her off-guard.
“Isn’t that why you wanted to watch the movie with me?”
“No, not really.”
That was embarrassing.
“So do you want to watch it or what?”

They entered just when it was about to start.
Lacey chose a seat towards the middle, and Ryan sat beside her.
She had seen the movie tons of times. And she knew perfectly well it was about sisters. But when it got to the scene where they talked after the ball, it was too much.
Lacey rushed out of the theater and went to the bathroom. She was breathing hard. The fight with her sister had affected her a lot.
She went to one of the numerous sinks and splashed her face with water to calm down.
“Are you okay?”
She turned around, and found Ryan standing there.
“You can’t be in here!”
“Who cares?”
“I do. What if there’s someone else in here?”
She leaned down and checked beneath all the stalls to make sure there was no one. But she did see someone. Or more like a pair of shoes.
“Sh,” she said pointing to the stall.
“Are you okay?” he repeated.
“I’m fine.”
There was an uncomfortable silence.
“You haven’t told me your name,” he said.
“You haven’t either.”
“OK. Nice to meet you, I’m Ryan Clark,” he said, holding out his hand.
She took it.
“I’m Lacey West.”
They stared into each others’ eyes.
A noise in the occupied stall scared them, making them both jump.
It happened all too fast.
A camera poked out of the stall and took a picture of them. They were still holding hands.
Lacey let go of his hand, as much as she hated to do it, and ran out of the bathroom, followed by Ryan.
She rushed out of the theater and hid inside a 7 Eleven.
She pretended to be immensely interested in bottled soft drinks as she tried to catch her breath.
A few moments later, Ryan appeared at her side.
“Paparazzi,” he said disgustedly.
“I can almost see it: Ryan Clark and Lacey West, sister of the famous Amanda, caught together in a theater bathroom.”
“I think it would be more like Ryan Clark and Lacey West caught red-handed holding hands in a women’s bathroom.”
“Yours is a little better.”
“Either way it’s going to turn into a scandal.”
“Yeah. We’d better not see each other again.”
“Isn’t that a little drastic?”
“It’s not that big of a deal. We don’t even know each other.”
“Good luck with everything,” she called back as she left the store.
“You too.”
She had just said goodbye forever to Ryan Clark, fought with her sister and found out her boyfriend had been cheating on her for the past two years. It was practically the best day of her life.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for how short this is...