This Can't Be the End


I glanced around the small apartment, already emptied of all my things; leaving only his. Johnny and I had spent countless hours in this very living room, doing whatever it is that we did. We had spent another fair amount of hours in the bedroom, doing, well, you know. But last night, we spent it talking, laughing, crying, and just laying there, trying to burn the moment into our memories.
It's hard, trying to spend some of your last moments with the person you're in love with.
Yes, I've fallen in love with Mr. Johnathan Seward, or, as you probably know him, Johnny Christ, the bassist for Avenged Sevenfold. I've only spent the last three months with him, but I managed to do it within the first few weeks.
I sighed, I really didn't want to leave. He just made me so... Happy. Beyond happy. He made me feel whole.
But, my mother just died, so I had to leave Huntington Beach for Delaware, my hometown. The thing is, I couldn't come back. My family needed me; my dad needed me. I was the only girl of 4 children, and my brothers were already over there, so that left just me.
I desperately wanted to drag Johnny along with me, but he still had the band; I couldn't take him away from them.
Taking one last look around, I called for him, "Johnny? I've gotta go, the flight leaves in 45 minutes."
"Okay! I'll be there in a sec," I heard him answer from the bathroom.
He emerged, running a hand through his bleach blonde and black hair. Sometime, I miss the mohawk.
He smiled weakly, grabbed my one bag, and took my hand, pulling me out the door slowly.
I could tell that this was equally as hard for him, because he had my hand in a deathgrip, and his eyes were bloodshot and puffy from crying.
The car ride was long, and silent; no one had bothered to turn on the radio.
Our hands were still laced together between us as he drove one-handed. His eyes constantly flickered to me whenever they could, and I just stared at him the whole time, not wanting to forget the way he looked at this moment.
We reached the airport with half an hour to spare. We got all of the security ordeals over with first, and let me tell you, that was embarrassing.
I turned to Johnny, knowing that this would be the last time I saw him in person. He smiled slightly, and I could see tears welling up in his eyes.
I nearly attacked him with a hug, clinging onto him as if my life depended on it. It pretty much did.
I leaned away from him, keeping my arms around him, to look up into his eyes.
"I love you so much," he whispered.
"I love you too," I said, my voice cracking slightly.
He swiped his thumb over my cheek, catching the tears I didn't notice falling. Placing my face in between both of his hands, he kissed me gently. When he pulled away, he moved his face to my ear, "This won't be the last time we see each other, I swear. I'll wait for you."
"I will too," I whispered back, now holding onto the little piece of hope that I had; he was going to wait. And for me, little old Lacey.
We pulled apart reluctantly, and I planted one last kiss on his lips, before walking away to board the plane. Tears were once again free falling, but I didn't bother to wipe them away.
Somehow, I just knew that this wasn't the end, but only an intermission. We would see each other again, and pick up right where we left off.