Status: On Hold for Editing D=

Loving a Shapeshifting Werewolf

A cold beach and a dead bitch

I remember it all now- it’s so hard to let the memories seep in when I’ve been working so hard to blot them out. I turned on the radio to one of my favorite random stations, and recalled the song that had led me to forgive him the last time. “If Today Was Your Last Day” by Nickelback. I love that band so much- the lyrics prodded at my heart until I came to the right decision. But nothing happens the same way twice, and is never meant to. If today was my last day, I would have endured my amount of pain, and ensured that my revenge was dealt with. I would have enjoyed my time with the pack- the pranks with Quil and Embry, the tackling and wrestling with Paul, chess with Sam and Emily to work out strategies that I didn’t pay attention to while playing and winning, water balloon fights with the younger members of the pack, and cliff-diving with all of them. Leah and I had gotten somewhat acquainted, and though not best friends, we got along and enjoyed each others’ company. I’d remember the moments I had with Jacob, and not regret my decisions because I learned and grew from all of them. But either way, I wasn’t the one to die tonight.

I stopped to listen to the song- another one of my favorites, “Heaven Sent” by Hinder. It was a song that I used to sing all of the time about Jake. Jacob, to take me out of my hell. But not anymore- he was too hung over his past crush. He was too foolish to even understand why he was so angry at me. His wolf, his dominant alpha instincts, was not protective of his ridiculous past crush. It was incensed that I was insulting it, him, challenging his authority as I did so often because of my similar nature. It may even have been turned on, and wanted me to submit- longing for the challenge.

I stopped speeding when I hit a random beach in California, the closest from whence I came. I got out of the car, knowing that Paul was going to catch me first. Leah was fastest, but not the best tracker. Embry and Quil would lead the others in the right general direction while Sam worked to keep track of everyone. Jacob would be doing his thing with Seth, both trying not to freak out. Paul could read my mind the best, so he’d disregard whatever orders that may have been given and run ahead- he was the second-fastest.

Sure enough, he found me in the cold water with a mockingly beautiful sunset watching sadistically. I was just in my boyshorts and sports bra- I’d worn it originally to go lift weights with Collin and Brady and Leah, but the fight happened. A pair of flexible, blue Hollister jeans sat folded on the hood of the car, with my white Bebe beater beside it. He was a huge, beautiful dark wolf that towered over my sitting form. Paul would be enjoying the feel of the sand if I weren’t half-naked and cold with my lower half submerged in water. He sent a mental image of me to the others, I could tell, before nudging me with his nose and sorrowful eyes. I hugged his furry form for a moment, taking comfort in the warmth and strength, before pulling back. “There are basketball shorts in the passenger seat. I guess I didn’t notice myself grab the Adidas before leaving.” It was a light and dark blue gym bag that had doubles of anything I would need to either sleep out or go to the gym, equipped with workout clothing and makeup and bathroom necessities. I always kept basketball shorts in there, guy-sized because I find those most comfortable, so the guys could always "borrow" a pair or grab it for me if I needed to crash at one of their houses. He nodded his head once and padded off quickly to change in a flash beside the car. I didn’t budge. I closed my eyes, visualizing the scene that I knew was now taking place. The Cullens were fighting, Rosalie and Jasper only half-heartedly, while Edward was battling James’s sister- Nikalah. She was an amazing fighter, a hundred times her brother’s ability.

It never ceased to amaze me, and I knew she would get the job done. I’d seen the recording of James’s destruction, and Edward was nearly evenly matched- his anger was what fueled him. It would this time, but not enough. Nikalah had the derisive title of “James’s little sister” because of their striking similarities in looks, but in true years was 200 years older than him. However, she had always maintained her youth and personality.

//She sent him flying back, managing to knock him down for 20 seconds. It would be enough. Drawing out five hilt-less daggers personally crafted by Maia, she threw them at Bella. They struck her wrists, two in each, and her throat. “Edward!!!” screamed the helpless brunette on the floor, in her pale freckled skin that held no desirable blood to any of the well-trained vampires around her. It was just the Denali and Cullens against 20 of Nikalah’s best fighters. No permanent damage was done to either side, though Nikalah seemed to be the only one without injury at all. Some of her coven were simply newborns taken to watch. As Edward lunged forward, Nikalah turned to fend off his attacks while keeping eye contact with the pathetic being panting on the ground.

“Your precious love may not have known it, but we know how the situation truly is. How you’ve never truly trusted him to be with you and kissed Jacob behind his back.” Nikalah laughed as Edward began to assault her even more ferociously, and Bella’s eyes widened in surprise, then pain from the movement and her life drained away. “You faked so much innocence to this…family of vampires when you purposely manipulated Edward here to draw closer to you. You were even going to leave him after you changed and fully grasped your power!” She was kicked back by the stomach as she shoved Edward into a tree.

“How…could….you…..know-” Bella choked out, as Edward’s eyes widened in shock and horror. He rushed to her. She was gaping like a fish out of water- but the similarity between the two was that a dying Bella apparently looked like poor Nemo out of the ocean or fish tank.
“And one last thing- you were going to start a war between the Quilettes and Cullens over you- just to feel special.” With one final smirk and upon receiving the feeblest glare on earth, Nikalah turned away and began to stride in the opposite direction.

“So…what…” were the stupid human girl’s last words as she died in the arms of the only one who would still care for her despite her complete indifference to him.

With a simple whistle with a couple of fingers pressed to her lips, Nikalah and her clan withdrew and disappeared from sight as the appalled Denali and Cullens rushed upon the site of death. Jasper was quite emotionless, other than the grief coming from his brother that he returned with small calming waves. Rosalie had heard the entire conversation and he hated her for continuing to think it. She replayed it in her head as she told the others what exactly had happened.

The cheerless faces of her family and extended coven hardened, except for Esme who turned her face into Carlisle’s chest.//

*General P.O.V.*

Paul came back in his buff normal state a minute or so later. “What the hell are you thinking about now? Do I even want to know? I know that smile and it’s freakin’ creepy as hell, man.”
Maia pulled her lips to the right, into a half-smirk with cold eyes that could rival the ice of the ocean as she stood and pulled her shirt over her top, then headed to her duffel to find underwear. “You’ll find out soon, but no you don’t want to know right now.” As reality hit her deeply, she took a deep breath filled with the scent of salty water mixed with sand. She reached through the open window of the passenger seat to pull out a thong and gave Paul a nod, indicating that he should turn around. She changed underwear and pulled on her jeans in a quick half a minute or less.

Paul sighed, turning around just as she buttoned her jeans. “So how pissed are you?”

Maia raised an eyebrow at him. “How pissed would you be?” She dropped her things inside of the car and laid down against the tinted windshield. He sat beside her, a small smirk and shaking his head.

“Stupid bastard.”

“Got that right. I don’t even know what I’ll do when he gets here. He’s not even in touch with his wolf for cryin’ out loud!” Paul’s smirk quirked a little more at this- she only used phrases like that when she was truly disbelieved. “You know what I need right now?”

He just smirked and reached around to her Adidas again, unzipping the side pocket and tossing her a Twix bar before grabbing himself another. “Hell yeah.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So, just to clarify, Maia and Paul are just good friends. Maia is neutral between both vamps and shifters, and is a species that has yet to be revealed. Read on!
